March 22, 2012

The Floating Bookstore


Last Friday we drove to Subic Bay to see the largest floating bookstore in the world, the MV Logos Hope.


So thanks to my friend who informed me about the ship docking to Subic Bay the third week of March. Oh, was I excited??!? I love bookstores! Know why? First I read a lot. A lot! Second, it was on a book sale Jayson and I had our first date.. YES! I took him there, maybe I wanna impress him? (before we had our lunch, Yes, it was a lunch date. One of us must be suuuuper dork) you know, to say without saying I am smart!? (ehem) It was a good trick I must say. Because he married me and gave me this baby who likes books too. So it was nice going on a ship full of books and remember our first date, only now with a baby to chase. It was real nice. Memories are sweet. If you know what i mean....


And how cute is Mr. Yllac smitten by this young lovely volunteer on the ship??? So cute. When he saw her while we were taking our photos, he started making eye contact and walked over to her and smiled to her and baby talked her. So cute. He just don't want to leave the ship. So obviously he had a major meltdown when i had to carry him out. Oh boy! Did his momma broke his heart too soon? 

Anyway, MV Logos Hope will leave Subic on April 8. So If you live around the area it would be amazing to visit the ship. With a 20php entrance fee, you will enjoy and see the largest floating bookstore and get quality books at a very affordable price. Very affordable am a tell you. Price ranges from 75php for a board book. It's a cheap price for a board book. And besides, for every purchase you'll be supporting a charity. I love it there. We're planning to go back soon. Now all i need to do is save every peso.

ps, so i wore my Lisa kitten heels while shopping for books. Walked in it for hours and did my feet hurt? A little, just a little, but she's pretty and yellow, so it's all okay.


  1. I've always wanted to see this floating bookstore! Too bad we're to far from the sea...


  2. hope to visit that bookstore too

    hey, i always check your blog and i think its my first time commenting

  3. I love the first photo of you and Yllac. Doesn't it amaze you how kids look at things with so much wonder in their eyes? Amazing.

  4. Loved the photo of you sitting on the bench, Denise: Lovely!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.