March 17, 2012

Happy Birthday!

32nd birthday
32nd birthday

For my 32nd birthday, all I ever wanted is a big-juicy-fat-meaty crab. Swear, that's all i want. But then my dear sweet husband insisted we do a birthday week which started last Monday by doing all the things i want. Obviously i asked for sleep and ice cream and cupcakes and lot's of coffee (in any time of my liking) and a McDonald's quarter pounder at any meal of the day i want. So you see, I am a very very happy girl. Then the day after my birthday, my dear sweet husband surprised me with a cake and a balloon. So yeah, what more can I ask for right? But that's not the end of it. You see, you're all so generous of your time to greet me through twitter, facebook, emails and text messages and calls. I am loved beyond my imagination. Thank you so much. To everyone; whether just chancing upon this blog for the first time or dedicated internet friend from the beginning, thank you, thank you, and thank you! I definitely appreciate the comments, 'likes', follows, love and of course... hate-mail and a couple of angry comments (even the angry birds take some effort in letting me know how much I suck, hehe)! A simple 'thank you' will never be enough so if I can help in any way, please let me know.You have no idea how much you've been a huge source of blessing to me. Thank you so much. There's nothing I could ask for, for I have my family always here with me. My baby is a happy, healthy one. Koffy is doing exceptionally well and doing a good recovery from his recent health scare. My super generous mom and dad and my brother, even though we're far far far away from each other, I sure know they're in such good caring hands of our maker. So am at peace here. I guess that's all i ever ask from the God above, peace and love. And it's been two years that I am practicing my day and night job as a "Mom". Am good. Am good. And last but never the least, the man of my dreams, the man i asked from God, his name starts with H and ends with u-s-b-a-n-d. (am i corny or whuuut?)  My husband....i love and adore, my husband so patient with me and loves me and spoils me rotten good ever since the day we met. My husband! I love calling him that. Husband, I love you so much. 

Oh gosh! I love getting old. It gets only better and better am a tell you.


  1. Belated!! And haha astig, I've alwayssss wanted a Spongebob balloon! And keep the way you are <3 Belated again! ^^

    Almira :)

  2. Belated happy birthday ms. denise!!!!

  3. belated happy birthday!!! Nice to hear (or read) you had a blast!

  4. belated happy birthday Ms. Denise! wishing you all the best!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.