March 10, 2012


preach, yllac and me

Happy weekend everyone! 

This little boy of mine huh? such a sport running around and getting into everything. Everything and anything. And i think he's gonna be an artist of some kind someday. Artist of mimicking animal sound and the train too. But mostly cows and roosters. Very cute. You know, am into all cute things. And I just love seeing him develop his personality. Some came from me and mostly from his Daddy and a little bit from Grandma and Grandpa. Well babies aren't exact science. They're complicated but real cute. But you know, am his mom. He's probably the only cutest thing ever out there. Gosh, I have become that kind of mom.


  1. cute yllac! Denise I am 18 weeks pregnant now. it's a hard pregnancy but seeing this post now...made me focus on my baby. Thank you denise. u have no idea the amount of inspiration you give me everyday as well as to more women out there. just saying. there's much plenty of us who appreciate you and love you,than those who come here just to piss some readers off. coz,i think you're not affected by those pesky "educated" comments. good day denise. kissed to yllac.

  2. by the way, this is maria therese. we exchanged emails once, two years ago.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.