March 6, 2012

Yellow, Red and Purple

yellow red purple
Yellow Red Purple
Yellow Red Purple
Yellow Red Purple

Cardigan in summer? Yup! After all it's yellow. A summer color. The color after my own heart.

Have a lovely Tuesday ladies and gentlegays.  In the meantime, head over here - a place where everyone is happy and what can i say? In-love?

purple top and necklace: gift
cardigan and purse: thrift
dyed red shorts
"Cammie" Wedges: Shoe Etiquette


  1. I regret i didn't order Cammie when its still available at Shoe Etiquette :(

    Pls inform me if this would be available again or if you are willing to let go of your pair anytime soon.. hihi ;)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.