April 8, 2012

What Am I Happy About Lately According To iphone

My favorite boys Good morning!
My goodness! I love this boy.I love this boy. But He sucks at coloring
Crazy people are everywhere these days. They are mine. #thankful
The swinging door made us giggle for long, till daddy finished his coffee.And bam! He's out!

Koffy picked up his toy for the very first time since ......
he lost his sight and played. He's tossing and throwing them around and would bring them to our feet asking us to play with him. That means one thing, he is happy, and to our delight that means another thing too, maybe, just maybe he can see again, (if the liver healed, there's a chance his eyesight will come back) Also, that means his liver is healing. It is less and less that he's bumping into walls these days. Today koffy followed yllac everywhere he go and can't seem to stop from giving him slimy doggy kisses. And his eyes aren't gray anymore. I can see some of those beautiful browns coming back. Oh i don't wanna jinx it, but i can feel it in my heart, koffy is healing. Thank you for your prayers. 

A couple of nights ago i gave Jayson a back massage. The last time i did that was two years ago, before i became pregnant. I must admit, most of my time and attention now goes to Yllac and am really feeling short as a wife. Am sorry for always being tired and at the same time acting such a baby next to yllac most days. But am glad i snapped out of my selfishness even for that one night and gave him a massage. He loved it. That made me happy. 

Yllac has been successfully walking on his own now. Finally at 15 months. When he started walking at 11 months, he made sure that he's holding on to us every single step. I remember walking him to one corner, slowly he let go of me, i stepped back a couple of feet away from him, and from the moment he turned around and saw me slightly away, he screamed so loud. It  tore my heart. So i was telling him to step one foot, just to encourage him to walk on his own, but he just stayed on his corner gripping the wall on his back and started crying and screaming more. There were plenty more of those episode until finally he learned and got confident to finally let go of our hands and do his drunken style of walk. He'd fall and bang his huge head a number of times, eventually losing his confidence again and again. It's pretty much a cycle. But lately, finally, one bittersweet day he let go of our hands and walked like a pro. Yesterday he ran away from me. He was walking towards me, and when he was about to reach  my hands, he stopped, turned around and screamed while laughing as he ran away from me. I cannot believe it. My baby is running now. Its a precious thing seeing those legs do its first steps, then walk and then run. As much as i wanted to see him walk on his own, am gonna miss those times when he can't let go of me. This motherhood thing is bittersweet all the way.

Holding hands with Jayson in the car. After a baby and the familiarity that comes with being together for so long, somehow when he reached into my hands and squeezed it hard seems more exciting than the first time we held hands on our first date. Come on, most couple after a baby don't get to hold hands that often. So am happy, that a simple touching of palms gives me a feeling of courtship again. Courtship within marriage is super cool....brigs back so many beautiful memories.

1 comment:

  1. Go Koffy! At ang sweet Miss D ninyo ni hubby. Sweet without being overbearing. I love reading your blog talaga. Our company prevents the use of internet for facebook and twitter. Buti na lang hindi pa ang blogs. hehehehe. God bless Miss D.

    Btw Miss D, sino nga pala wedding gown designer mo if I may ask.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.