June 6, 2012

Cheap Attraction

2nd hand dress
2nd hand dress
2nd hand dress
2nd hand dress

I am always attracted to all nice,cheap-everything. This is a second hand dress I got from this adorable young lady. I love the gold buttons and the print too. And you know what's lovely about this dress? - it came with another dress too. A free dress. Now who gets a free dress just like that these days? And you know another awesome thing yesterday more than wearing this dress out with nowhere to go? - a cheap, 30php bubble milk tea drink. It's sooooo cheap it tastes like mud and vanilla. Well as a former kid, i used to eat soil on a daily basis, because i ran so fast and the only way to stop is to smack my face on the ground and roll over three times. Oh I do remember! So drinking that mud flavored milk tea brought back too many childhood memories. In a way, it was awesome. 

Happy Wednesday kids!

coach patent tote : gift
Leslie flats: Shoe Etiquette


  1. I love cheap things too, especially cheap clothes. :) I loved how the blue shoes made your outfit striking, Denise. And the pink bag, as well. Well, I always love pink anything. :)

  2. i love everything about that dress! such pretty details!

  3. cheap thrills are always nice pick-me-uppers. Would you believe that i also manage to score a 30pes worth of dress for my bday...and it was be-autiful! We should do an ukay date when you come up to Baguio!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.