June 7, 2012

We're Are Super Cool On Instagram

My friend @sarahalconcel gave this beauty to me. Thank you.Going to rob a bank. Who's with me?
Got crazy over these thrift books!2nd shoe of the day. Flats for all that walking.
Question of the day.I was cool today.
Life right nowI loooooove him. #mommything
Every girl needs a coral shoes right??? Rooiiight!Yllac misses Koffy. I miss him too. ......#andjustlikethatiamsadagain
Big couch, coffee mugs. Feels like  Central PerkI hope, the foot massage im giving him now help him sleep. #deargodplease
Ballpen snatcher. He needs to enroll at Good Manners and Right Conduct school.Daaaaaaaaah! A lot of daaaaaaah going on here.

Between you and me, I know you'll agree that life is generally good right? Same old thing come and go. Everything feels so familiar around here until a phenomenal event happened. And what's that? Yllac, my little boy has learned a new word all by himself. It's the coolest word in the whole wide world. It begins with D and ends with three exclamation points. It's Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! When he's happy he says daaaaah!!!. When he's upset he screams daaaaaah!!!. He wakes us up with daaaah!!! too. Each time he's hungry and wants milk he shouts daaaaaah!!! too. I love that word. Sometimes daaaaah!!! sounds German when he is angry. Sometimes it sounds like a Homer thing would say. Doh! He's close to 18 months now and speaking real words is taking a while. But that's okay I guess. Daaaah!!! is like one of those words that has so much meaning depending on how you use it in a sentence. Daaaaah!!! is okay for now.

So have a great daaaaaaaah!!! to you.


  1. Ang cute ng mga photos mo especially the last one (Photo of Yllac) and the one na nasa grass na background ka. (^_^)

  2. I have the same wedges, mine was just in black. It's the comfiest wedges for me I guess. And oh Yllac is soooooo adorable! I bet our little boys are from the same planet, they speak the same languages haha. I often hear him say "ticket ticket" then speaks different words we do not understand.

  3. Great pictures - look at your little boy toddling along - so cute!!


    Sal x


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.