July 9, 2012

Family Sunday

Family Sunday
Family Sunday
Family Sunday
Family Sunday
Family Sunday

This is my dream, right here, happening right now in my life: Go to church every Sunday (because church on any weekday is weird), to NOT eat from our own kitchen once a week so we can take a break from washing the dishes and wiping the toddlers high chair and floor from all the delicious gooey stuff he's into lately. Namely avocado, cheese and more avocado and more food covered with cheese. To hear my toddler's (who's growing a mustache btw) roller coaster happy scream and singing - that makes Mariah Carey's song in the shrill department sound lame, will always be every momma's pride, including me, Momma Denise on top of that. And to have that toddler collapsed in my arms from hours of playing, oh that feels really good. Makes me think this whole mommy thing is an awesome gig. This is what I want, the whole "Honey, I am home" dream. A little house, a barbeque grill, plates, mugs and those cute baby plates and spoon. A cozy sofa, a blender and coffee maker and my own little shoe shop. I wanted those a long time ago and I have them all now. Someone to share my life with, someone to greet with a smile, a kiss and a hug, a toddler to tackle me every waking hour in the morning and at night before bedtime. I know, not much by today's standard, but this is everything by my own. See, I am a happy girl. Dream come true. Woohoo!


  1. a feel good post. You nailed it momma. it's my dream too.

  2. i love your dream. :) and congrats in achieving it girl!!! more happiness to come. :D

  3. Looks like you're living the dream sister :) Happy for you.

  4. Congratz on reaching your dreams! Very cute family!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.