July 16, 2012

Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!

Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!

This happens almost NEVER but it happened to us last Saturday - Mt. Samat crowd-less and empty. AAAmaaazing! Where did all the people go??? And I think, we just had a preview of what the end-of-the-world would look like. This rapture thing is kinda exciting ei? So we did what a normal family would do left behind on a rapture: ran around like a headless chicken while listening to Yllac's aaahhhhs and echoes. We sang a coupe of nursery rhymes and danced a little under the rain. Don't worry, we take this parenting job very seriously. A little rain, a little dancing and running is good for this toddler. Especially for his memory. I really hope he remembers some of this. Anyway, that's what photos are for right? And I hope you enjoy some of our photos too.

 Happy Monday everyone!  

*more photos after the jump* 

Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!
Mount Samat All To Ourselves - YAY!!!

-the end-

Thank you for reading.  

ps, thank you grandma for Yllac's tux shirt and thank you Ninang Cherry for Yllac's pants. 


  1. Ang laki na ni Yllac! You three look cute together. :-)

  2. Hi Miss Denise, pwedeng malaman anong brand ang lipstick mo here. I think we have same complexion and i was having a hard time shopping for my red that suit me. thank you in advance. btw, amazing cute photos!!! It's weird that how much I follow your family adventure. hahaha. keep blogging.

  3. The place is beautiful! (I haven't been there though) You're lucky you had the place to yourselves. :)

  4. OMG, lucky you guys! I love Yllac's shirt, its so cute! Im thinking of making Mt. Samat magnets from the pictures we took last time we were there =)

  5. Can you please share where you bought the aztec printed maxi dress? It's so pretty!

  6. Such gorgeous photos! And such a gorgeous family too! Love your little boy's shirt!

  7. anonymous 3:14 - heeheehee. thank you. I have so many red lipstick. my most "spend-sive" is Mac's Ruby Woo. But it's not for me. About two weeks ago, we ate at Pizza Hut, this pretty staff with the most beautiful red lips smiled at me. So I asked her right away what brand she was wearing. It's EVER BILENA!!!! YES! ever bilena. This shade is SCARLET. `it has an orange undertone, It's matte too. NOT spend-sive really, it's under 200php. you might wanna try it.

  8. @joyskidooper - the dress is from Tomato. Pax of Drowning Equilibrium's bought it for me. It's under 800php.


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