August 21, 2012

Sup Problem?

orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?

The problem with me is that i love colors. No matter what mood, what era, whatever trend there is, I love my colors. 

...but the problem is, i tried to deny it.

The problem with me is that i want to be that girl that wears black and nude and still look chic and happy.

...but the problem is, I don't look happy in black and nude.

The problem with me is that I wanna be both.
...but I can't be both.

The problem with me is that, i tried to be the nude-black wearing lady and bought a lot of clothes in muted tones. 
...but the problem is, i hated it the minute i got home.

The problem with me is that i am getting old.
...but my fashion choices are still not getting any older nor wiser. 

But i have no problem with this poncho i got from thrifting 4 months ago. 
....i have no problem liking it till the day am all wrinkly, toothless and a hundred, probably rocking it in my rocking chair with a cuppa joe in between my shaking veiny hands.

Yup! I can definitely see myself growing old with this one.

poncho: thrift
dress: Tomato
boots: Gojane


  1. That poncho is seriously awesome! :D

  2. there are times too that i want to dress up like Mrs. Lovett in the Sweeney Todd movie. grunge black and bad ass pero hindi talaga kaya ng powers ko! haha! love your poncho, Denise!

    toni perfumed red shoes


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.