September 23, 2012

Spoon and Fork People! Spoon & Fork...

spoon and fork
spoon and fork

...this is serious business...spoon and fork!

More than a week ago our little guy here started paying attention to proper use of utensils. So far, half of his food successfully made it to his mouth, a quarter of them fell to the floor, and some landed to our mouths and plates too. It's messy. Right now at his age it's mostly fun and a bit sad and scary too seeing him grow up a little more each day. I guess he's a toddler now. Tomorrow is his 21st month birthday and crazy as it sounds soon enough he'll be 21 years old. I guess it's okay to freak out. Like this biiiiiiig!!!!! So when you're freaking naturally you will load up on parenting books, especially toddler-phase books. I don't know, but still I feel that as a parent  you are essentially powerless. Well at least after your kids reach the age of 13 or something like that. You give your child the best chance you can in life, but ultimately they are going to do what they want, and hopefully (oh God please) hopefully you have not screwed them up too badly. c",)

1 comment:

  1. yikes! just the thought of seeing the "soon he'll be 21 years old" is frightening haha!:)) Athan's already 4 years old. I want him to be my baby forever!:))

    Congrats to yllac in discovering utensils!! More discoveries for you baby!


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