September 12, 2012

That Early Sunday Morning

Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga

I'm not sure what to tell you about running a marathon or biking because I don't know anything about it especially biking. Biking isn't my thing under my special "Zkillz" but I can tell you based on what i've seen last Sunday that runners, they are the happiest and perkiest people on the planet. They are so pumped up as to wake up early in the morning, even before the sun was about to shine or even before the Earth's worms wake up call. These runners have such great support for each other. You can tell by a lot of "go!, go!, go!" ,  "you can do it", "congrats (name), you're a monster" they say to one another. I was even tempted to shout something like that to a man who lost control of his bike and fell. Im not sure why I didn't say anything, maybe because I don't know how to bike and with his caliber I bet he won't take any advice from me with a zero bike talent. 

Last Sunday, it somehow gave me a renewed enthusiasm to live actively again. Or do something completely out of my comfort zone. Seeing our friend Rolie lost a huge amount of weight, to see him so fit, healthy and so happy, to see him run in kilometers and bike and run again like it's no big deal, is so inspiring. I can see why he's so passionate about this and I can finally understand the support his wife Evelyn give him and to commit the whole family to go anywhere his next running event lead to. 

So, as you can see from our camp, we all had fun. And yeah, we took a lot of photos and tried every energy drink given out there for free. And oohhhh we saw a lot of cute butts too. Man, everybody is so stinking cute in their little cycling shorts. 

Duathlon at Clark Pampanga

...told yah, running can do no harm to you but instead give you, toned legs, arms, boobs, skull and round baby butts. So tell me, do you run? Do you enjoy it? Do you join running events like this? 


Duathlon at Clark Pampanga
Duathlon at Clark Pampanga

....keep the sunshine away from your toddler's eyes. Darn me for forgetting Yllac's ahead-of-it's-time sunglasses.


  1. run na rin denise!!! :-) im glad im in the same plane na ulit with my running buddies kaya meron na ulit 2x a week run... and it feels soooooo great after always!!!

  2. I've started running (but more like jogging pa lang ako haha) this year because I want to lose weight and get healthy. It's fun especially on race days. But during practice, not so much, lol (pero it depends siguro to the person?).

    It's more of a mental thing - having your own cheering squad and mentor in your head. Tapos when you finish it kahit 5K lang, it really boosts your morale kasi it's an achievement on your end. Dati mahilo-hilo na ako 5 rounds lang sa oval but now I've finished 8K na so parang gusto mong i-panda hug ang sarili mo haha!

  3. @promding chamimay: i envy you and your buddies.

  4. @roanjean: I guess for me it's more tricky running outside than the treadmill but sabi nga nila it's more fun outside. Am so happy for you. Hopefully one day Ill join one of these races. someday.

  5. @carolekaye: weeee. we started "walking" again yesterday. It's more like a tag game. One of us walks with Yllac while the other runs. Salitan. To start exercising is always the hardest, but i am trying.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.