December 1, 2012

I Love December Because....


  • today, December 1, at exactly 11pm tonight, my parents will be home. Yay! So! Excited! About! That!
  • It's Yllac's birthday month.
  • Christmas holiday and new year.
  • No one is dieting. No one cares about weight gain. 
  • The crazy shoppers. This year I did a good jjob finishing my Christmas shopping before December. Because it is crazy to go out shopping when everybody else is out there with the fierce intent of buying something and better not get in their way. So this year, I can enjoy watching crazy shoppers attack each other. FUN!
  • BU4. Follow us on Twitter for quick updates.  
  • Everybody is soooo faaaaaareeking jolly. Strangers greet strangers with Merry Christmas every two seconds. 
  • Christmas lights in every corner.
  • The garbage truck! I love how December makes them collect my garbage every day. Oh and I especially love the colorful envelop they handed us yesterday. 
  • Parties and Family reunions.
  • Gifts.
  • Caroling children. I love how little kids change the lyrics to a number of  classic Christmas songs. 
  • Booze! and my fancy champagne glasses will be put to use. 
  • BIBINGKA! about you? what do you love most about December? I know you're all gonna be busy with parties and get-togethers with your friends and families so I wish you fun, happy, great and awesome time for this month. Can you feel the excitement? Oh! I am excited. I feel like a chihuahua jumping and running here and there. We've been busy for the past two weeks. This month is huge for my family. That's all I can say for now.

Have a great December folks!


  1. You actually mentioned almost all resons why. :)

  2. Oh yes the bibingka is the winner!!! And i wont forget puto bumbong... Yammeh.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.