March 9, 2013

DIY Silver Bottle Flower Vase

diy silver bottle flower vase

Hi ladies!

Ever since our kitchen got painted a few weeks ago I wanted to add flowers in it. All i want is a simple look, no fuzz flower vase. Since I hate a waste, especially a very  nicely shaped bottle like these that I got last year from a bottle of vegetable juice, I figure they are going to be my vase. So 3 days ago I started working on this simple project. I just bought a can of silver spray paint and used a lot of old newspapers to put the bottles up and to protect the floor from the spray paint. Spraying is the trickiest part, especially spray painting on a glass. So i suggest that you take your time by spraying just a minimal amount on each coat. I made some accidents because I am that impatient, as you can see from the traces of some drips on each bottle. Wait for the paint to get completely dry before the next spray application. It took me two days to finish this project and 10 thin coats to achieve this shade of silver.

diy silver bottle flower vase
diy silver bottle flower vase our kitchen looks all girlie and pretty.

I hope you enjoyed this fun project. c",)

Thank you for dropping by and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.