June 18, 2013

On Father's Day...

Okay, we miss Jayson on Father's Day. Terribly. But I figure since I miss him and it hurts, we might as well try and do normal things on that day. Like....


Grocery shop on the early morning of Father's Day. We don't need anything that day. We just feel like going out and the grocery store sure ate up our time just walking around. We ended up buying lots of batteries. I mean we need batteries right?


On Sunday afternoon we went escalator riding hundreds of times. Yllac's timing is superb. Also, the watch. c",) it sings Beethoven.


We checked out the toy station and Yllac is in this particular stage where he knows what he wants when he sees something. He was inspecting this parking lot play thing for a few minutes giving me subtle hints that he like this toy. He kissed those cars a bunch of times. I mean, he's in love already. When I asked him if he likes it, he smiled and nod so he dragged this huge box on the way to the cashier all by himself. I guess he really really like it. 

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For dinner, we both wanted pizza and pasta. It's not like we're gonna run the following day but when you miss someone, you just gotta carbo load. yah know what I mean? While waiting for our food I took a lot of selfies and Yllac got busy drawing with his ahrt. And then he got bored and started drawing on his arms. Creative ei?  

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And then before we went home I took Yllac (for the very first time) to my mothership. I bought 4 skirts. Yllac hates the place. He was pushing me out of the store the entire 3 minutes we were there. So I wonder if he's really my son. Weird right? 

The End. c",)

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