November 20, 2008

One Book and a Big Messy Hair

Just finished a book in three days. Usually i read before my real sleep for about two hours. Because i can't sleep unless i read. That is a fact that's been going on since forever. Kai said i don't really intend to sleep that's why i read????? I dont know the truth to that, hmmm maybe?
It's been a long time since i made a book review, that is because....

Oh well i discovered a new author am gonna abuse till he's nothing more to give. Andre Dubus III. Am an Oprah Book club member. Well not really. Sort of. Because i tend to buy any book that has a stamp of Oprah on every cover page. I guess am a member?

Moving on...well the book is so good. House of Sand and Fog(National Book Award Finalist, that means am reading a VERY IMPORTANT/must must must must read BOOK of the century ei). I bought it last year, April 18, 2007. That is one thing so me. In every book i buy i make sure i write the date i purchased it. hihihihi.

So the book again, It got me angered, at one point i can hear the beat of my heart so loud that's the only thing i hear while finishing the book. It is saddening, for you'll get to be in the place where the character's bound to act on impulse and the tragedy heightened by their weaknesses and human emotion deep in it's core. It's so funny cos i caught myself saying, "oh don't do that, don't go in there, oh no you're thinking wrong". It's so painful to read, i thought i will never finish cos i don't want to know how the story would end for each of the characters. But i did finish it anyway and i find my self suppressing a tear at the end of the story. Fyi, a tear, this book is so effective to make me cry, cos am a hardcore ice queen, I don't cry.

But one thing bothers me really. In this book, five or six times the author mentioned or included Filipinos in each scene. Really. One time a maid, cleaning lady, a thief, a boy criminal, a doctor and a neighbor. So, go grab one.

Of course the obligatory picture of me...hihihihihih.

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I got a perm yesterday. I looked divine! So divine you'll be tortured for the next couple of days seeing pictures of me. Yes. More pictures. hehe. I have yet washed it. Tom i will. and we'll see what ill look like. I'll go back to the salon for a trim. All i can say is that am so wild wild now. Wild. Grrrr!

But please get the book and if you want you can get a perm too.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for mentioning the author. i have been searching for new books to read!


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