November 26, 2008

Torn between war and vampires

Today i just finished two war movies and two books. Yey! I am so worthy of my existence in this world. Well i didn't actually started and finished all four of them today. I am not a super, am slow actually. Am a war movie girl. All those heavy drama war movies from Tom Hanks' Saving Private Ryan, Thin Red Line and Tropic Thunder!!!????? and some more unmentioned films - gives me the peace that we won't be going to war anytime soon. Id watch them over and over again like a maniac thanking God I wasn't born those times. War is gory. Speaking of gory let's move on to vampires shall we? I've finished reading Twilight today. It's not gory, it's cheesy actually. Yummy! Am refraining myself from reading it for the simplest reason that i don 't want to fall into the whole craziness of it. I thought it would be another Harry Potter book that will be impossible for me to relate to, so ill just wait for the movie to come out. Well i did download an e-book of Twilight. I got it on Go there. Para sa mga kuripot. hehe. Funny cos i got all four of them. As i was saying, reading Twilight is not a disappointment at all. I can't believe am saying this but am a fan already. Cheesyyyyy! I just wanted to have a taste of it before i see it on a big screen. I know, i know the movie won't capture the whole book but am having my faith that it will be a good Hollywood blockbuster as it already is. I just love the concept of this new approach to vampires, especially virgin vampires. hehe.

Another vampire flashback - remember those handsomest bloodsucking studs of Interview with the Vampire? My Gosh! Lestat, Louise and i can't remember anymore Antonio Bandera's character's name. This got me thinking, on the movie when a female vampire is born or just created their hair turned into this curliest curl. hmmmm. Notice my hair? hm? Claudia? hihihihihihi.

Oh well.


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I am married now. Am so over with those pa cute eating dates. hehe
Need those energy to keep up.

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Have a great week everyone!!!!!

the other book is Sula by Toni Morrison. Another Oprah book. So good btw.


  1. You are so cute! And for some reason I can't help imagining that the big mosaic behind you is full of various candies!

    Linked you back! ;D

  2. I love your booties. Where are they from?

  3. thanks Cammila.
    i love your blog.
    thanks for the link.

    those mosaic behind me are dried leaves and wood. so cute aren't they?

  4. yey! Dane! you are here.

    those booties are from Solo. for only 1300 or 1400. very very cute.

  5. Your jacket is so awesome. Twilight has been my guilty pleasure lately...they're like candy.
    Also, thank you for your sweet comment. I'm actually near the end of my time in Greece, I go back home mid Dec.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.