December 28, 2008

Definitely an all smile girl


Post Christmas celebration. Coffee (of course!!!!) . Since December 24 Kai and i haven't had the chance to celebrate Christmas together, so we made sure to go out tonight because tomorrow he'll be off to work again, thus we won't be seeing each other for another 24 hours. And that is so uncool.



I got this idea about me that i think i need to share. Nothing serious really.
I am a 28 year old married woman. I've tried everything there is to experiment when posing for pictures. My thing is, I can't seem not to smile, it's impossible not to smile! Those serious, lazy-half open mouth-death stare is not for me. Sure, am dreaming of being one because nothing is sexier than those of piercing killer looks you see from models on magazines. Gosh! They sure looks fierce. In trying so i always ended up looking paunchy, problematic and angry. I guess ill always just have to smile, and besides it's a natural thing for me whenever i see a camera. With or without the flashing of teeth i will always put up a happy face.




So, Outfit for today:




Right now, am thinking of what to wear on New year. Am excited cos Kai, Koffy and I are gonna celebrate it together with a couple of friends.

Have a great week everyone!

pardon my pimples, they refuse to live without me.


  1. I really adore your bag!
    Some people are more natural smiling and some aren't. It works for you. :)

  2. thank you for your lovely words!
    and yeah, coffee, I could not live a day without it.. fellow coffee patron. ;)
    also, you look so sweet and natural in those pictures, absolutely gorgeous with that black nailpolish in contrast to your beaming character- adorable!

  3. Hi girl,

    Your look is coooool! :)

    Happy New Year Denise!

    xoxo: Janet


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.