January 1, 2009

Hello Oh Nine

oh 9

Happy new year everyone!

oh 9

Channeling Marry Poppins.
Can you think of a better way to welcome OH NINE than this high jump?
Me and Et with our umbrellas for a simple reason that it's drizzling in Cainta from morning of 31 till midnight. But nothing can stop us of course, even for this kind of photo op we're all game.

oh 9

oh 9

oh 9

oh 9

For 2009 i won't promise anything though. But some things i can assure you.
For the next 365 days ill give you more beautiful jump shots.
And better blog.
better pictures
more stories to tell
lovely fab outfits
I promise to wear make up
i'll take you all with us on our travels.
and last but not the least..
.... a baby.

oh 9

Isn't he the cutest? My godson Clarence.

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Occasional drunks.

I just want to thank everyone who's been supporting this blog, all your comments never fails to make me smile, making this heart o'mine beats triple fast for the love of writing. Just the more reason to make this blog a better one.

Nail update:

oh 9


  1. Whoa! Girls doing Michael Jordan jumps, a drunk toddler... That's a New Year celebration to end all New Year celebrations.

    The hell with the rain, eh? Hehe...

    Happy New Year, too. ;)

  2. hi Ibyang thanx sa pagdalaw naloka ako ang dami mong blog diko alam kung san ako papasok hahaha.
    cute nung pix no na jumping with umbrella hahaha kakaiba, thanx ulit sa pagdalaw, happy new year sayo at sa family

  3. ay sorry po sorry po naligaw ako di pala ito kay ibyang hahaha pero ok na rin ang cute mo po naman lalo yung naka payong favorite ko yung pic na yan


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