January 2, 2009

Gold and Green for 2009

gold and green

gold and green

gold and green

First outfit for 2009. As promised (every year actually) to dress more to impress, solely for myself and Kai. But since I am doing this blog, dressing has become a passion i wanna share with all of the girls who's very much into this modern day art. I am not an artist, but whatever is good and pleasing to the eye is an art for me. Anybody, anything, moving or still, breathing or dead, short or tall, whatever shape or form you may be, looking and feeling put together, consciously or not, for me you are beautiful enough and that i appreciate.

gold and green

gold and green

gold and green

For a doable resolution this year, i SWEAR in Koffy's name that ill make more money, although i don't have any idea how!!!!And secondly ill eat healthier. Don't we all? haha. Just two. Ill mess my life if i make it three.

gold and green

gold and green

I don't know the deal with this dog. He would look at the camera whenever we wanna take his picture but the moment before the camera flashes he'll walk and look away someplace suddenly. Being Koffy this afternoon, he chose to stare at the wall this time.

gold and green

Wishing everybody a prosperous 2009! I don't know what else to wish for you guys, cos i don't want to say those "may love and peace.....blah blah", i just want you all to be rich and happy. That's all.

Have a great weekend!

i am wearing the gold cuffs and ring mom gave me on my wedding day. Isn't it bananas? I forgot about it for a while, for a really loooong while. So shiny it hurts my eye.Thanks Mom.

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  1. Your outfit is adorable. The accessories are so glam and the green dress is gorgeous.

  2. Happy NewYear!!!




You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.