April 27, 2009

He'll always be our first baby

It was koffy's happiest day ever, his first beach outing. hihi. He's so cute. He knew we we're going somewhere new and far, at least for koffy that is. For the whole 30 minute drive to the beach he sat himself comfortably and enjoyed the view. You can see on his face the excitement, if only he could talk like a child, there's one question he'll ask over and over again till our ears fell off, "are we there yet? ...are we there yet?".... hihi. But the weather is such a party pooper - a prima donna waltzing without prior notice with such demand of our quick disappearance! I now officially hate the rain! c",) But oh well, we're thankful for the ten minutes that is packed with fun, lots of running and a splash of Koffy's first seawater.

koffy beach
koffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beach
koffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beachkoffy beach

KOffy's 18 month old now. I wish he could live up to 30 more years. I really pray to God to give dogs longer years. They are the happiest creature, they always laugh, you can see on their tails. Especially with Koffy, obviously, he has a tiny bit of tail, it's so cute whenever he laugh!

top: borrowed from husband..again
skirt: very old, freeway
belt: Genevieve Gozum
necklace: quiapo
earrings: from mom
bag: thrift/ukay

location : Subic Bay


  1. Oooh Densise, your Boxer is beautiful. I see he likes the water unlike my dog lol. Beautiful!

  2. Another filipina blogger! :) i'm so glad to see another fashion blogger, cute dog. :) oh and i just added you to my blog roll. :)

  3. You look great and your dog is such a beautiful creature!!! He really seems like a happy dog!!

    PS. I hope the rain stops bothering you for the next few days ;0)

  4. such a beautiful dog!

    xx, Geri

  5. oh he's such a cute dog! i wish mine is as well behaved so i can them to the beach.

    p.s. your wedding dress is beautiful. :D and about the beach, it's in Luna, La Union.


  6. hi there,
    i love dogs too :)
    koffy is soo cute...
    i love your necklace and belt!


  7. Koffy's so cute! dogs are just heaven sent =)

  8. adorable! xo Cari http://isnotfashion.blogspot.com/

  9. Your outfit is so colorful and fun. Koffy certainly looks like he's having a wonderful time. This makes me miss my mother's puppy!

  10. hi denise,

    koffy is too cute! and he looks like a very lovable dog.hmmmm. makes me think of getting one. all of my friends have jumped on the doggy bandwagon and i am left behind!



  11. Oh I wish I had a dog! Koffy looks so happy as does his owners. You always look so happy and content, Denise!

  12. love the pop of blues that you mixed in. so summer!

  13. awww what a sweet post. and such a sweet dog. i feel the same about my little baby too. dogs are the best creatures in the world, in my opinion.

  14. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I am sure you will be "one hot momma" too!

    I love the outfit you are wearing to the beach. That red looks very pretty on you. And I want that skirt!!! Koffy is so CUTE! I love it when dogs smile.

    BTW...I love your last post. That wedding dress is breathtaking. You are so beautiful. Happy one year Anniversary! ;-)

    xoxo, Shelly

  15. I love dogs! (: Your photos are really nice and happy, as always

  16. so cute!! I love the pic where he's drinking! Thanks for linking me..=)


  17. hi Denise! i'm back and i'm doing great! thanks for asking sweet.

    i am so jealous of you! you managed to bring Koffy at the beach wow! he must be a very well behaved dog. hehe and great shots as always. Koffy and you and your husband looks very happy. :)

  18. Your dog is so cute! One big happy family! Your husband looks cutie too :P. You two are so compatible together!



  19. This way too adorable!! Ahh, these shots are fantastic! xxx

  20. I love these shots, it looks like it was a lovely day out!

  21. You are so beautiful naturally! Love dogs! xxoxoxo

  22. You look fabulous. I can't believe your dog likes water. Our dogs at home panic at the sight of a bucket. LOL.

    Btw, congratulations on your: anniversary. You and your husband look great together. :)

  23. it would be so nice of your dog has the chance to swim..=)...it would be a lot more fun..

  24. Koffy is the best!
    I like your outfit - the colours are great!

  25. oh I loved this post! I also love how you had all the pictures tiled like that, andddd of course, your dress isssss so pretty!

  26. he's a loving dog! ohhh, you need a real baby though. lol. ehem....


  27. I have three labradoras, and they are my best friends! I love them and I couldn't live without them <3

  28. You always have the nicest pictures :)

  29. Awww so sweet! I can't help but smile when i look through all the pictures. I've always wanted to keep a dog!

  30. Aww your dog is soo cute! It's amazing how you just know that they're thinking how a person would think! Love your necklace!

    xx Jessie

  31. Denise, those photos from your wedding are so enchanting and magical. The dress is such a dream too, amazing vision on your part!

    Pets make such good substitute children don't they?:D

  32. hi denise,

    how are you and koffy doing? hehe. just stopping by to let you know that i've tagged you over at my blog for some q&A. can't wait to see your answers:)

    much love


  33. oh my gosh!

    is this THE denise katipunera?!!!

    gaaah! i have been wanting to access your blog but for some technical reason i couldn't until just now that you've made a comment on my blog!


    your photos are really great. very well taken. i envy that!

    super nice to meet you!

  34. I have an 18 years old dog!!
    And yours is only 18 months... you are very lucky!! enjoy the time with your puppy!! And continue praying to God to give them longer years please!! with my dog it is working!! ;)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.