May 3, 2009

Rocks and Tag

rock tag
rock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tag

rock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagHBFrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tagrock tag

[1] What are your current obsessions?

Thrift shops, accessory making and oranges.

[2] What is your weirdest obsession?

Vitamin C

[3] What are you wearing today?

green and moss green combo top and shorts. Am home.

[4] What’s for dinner today?

Husband is at work tonight so am going to have oranges, bread with cream cheese, Lays salt and vinegar and lots of apple juice. YUM!

[5] Why is today special?

Congratulations MANNY PACQUIAO! You and my Koffy are a real Boxer!

I am a Filipinooooooo!!!!

[6] What would you like to learn to do?

To sew and make up. To make my own dress and be a make up artist. Hihi.

[7] What’s the last thing you bought?

Just yesterday i bought lots of accessory making tools like pliers, cutter and locks and strings and beads and lots and lots of semi precious stones. Am on a project.

[8] What are you listening to right now?

School of Rock soundtrack, Jack Black is rock and roll!

[10] What is your most challenging goal right now?

OMG! Am clueless. Hihi. Seriously, am not so serious with goals. Whatever comes right now, I make it a challenge to do good and to enjoy and be really happy with whatever situation we’re in. But on some thinking I wanna make lots of money and keep it safe on the bank.! Really really safe on the bank that I won’t take them out anytime soon for the next ten years or so. Hihi.

[11] What do you think about the person who tagged you?

Eden is so cool. She’s sweet and confident, plus I wanna be a Cebuana. Cebuana girls speak so cute, their accent rhymes with lots of femininity. Think of a Pinay Penelope Cruz. Sounds so sexy!

[12] If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?

France period!

[13] What would you like to have in your hands right now?

Plane ticket to anywhere in the world. 20 plus plane tickets. Anywhere, ill go!

[14] What would you like to get rid of?

Pimples and zits permanently up to my second life.

[15] If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?

Bahamas babyyyy~!

[16] Which language do you want to learn?

French. Sounds smart and sexy.

Ilocano, Visaya and Kapampangan and Pinoy Gay lingo.

[17] What do you look for in a friend?

Of course loyalty and love and appreciation. Lucky me my friends have those all. Bonus that they’re all pretty and handsome and RICH! hahaha!

[18] Who do you want to meet in person?

Hands down Jason Mraz and Jason Statham. Am a Jayson Porn addict. My husband is a Jayson.

[20] What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?

All my thrift items. They are precious to me, such a challenge finding them. And of course my wedding gown.

[21] What is your dream job?

Anything that includes traveling around the world and to go places where Koffy is allowed. Name it all, i want Koffy with us.

[22] Any favorite models?

Mariacarla Boscono. I like her so much.

[24] What would you like an endless supply of?

VMV products and oranges and vitamin C night cream.

[25] Girl crush?

Yes! Scarlett Johansson and the young Goldie Hawn.

[26] Do you admire anyone’s style?

Of course. We all do I think. Personally, I love Ida’s. She’s always perfect.

[27] Describe your personal style.

Well I like colors and prints. I love comfy unique shoes, that’s why am not big with heels. I love accessories; I think it builds the whole look; and you can never have too much bangles. I am not into make up, just a clean canvas is enough to showcase the fun of dressing up, plus it’s hot here. Ill just melt all over.

Anyway, thank you so much eden for the tag. You gave me enough reason to sit inf ront of my cyber door today and do this post. Actually it's a lot of fun answering those questions. So am tagging....

mom fashion world
beauty standard
my sweet revenge
shelly's style shop
who is elyoo
visionary butterfly
love geri
mode junkie

hihi. I am brain dead for the last couple of days and am a little busy spending time with a friend too. I think it's reason enough to take a break from blogging, but i've missed you all so much. I can't withdraw from all of you for long. So enjoy the photos from the last couple of days. I don't know how to call them, they just ROCK! Not so much cool outfit going on, just running some errands with husband and stopping to take photos from time to time.

hope YOU ALL have a great night!


  1. i like your yellow tunic! it really stands out in the pics :)

  2. wow ang ganda! aren't you glad the sun came out finally?! and you're finished answering Eden's tag! I have yet to answer mine hihi. :D

  3. Hi there ,

    Thanks for tagging me :)
    I love you shorts.. is it DIY? :)

  4. Hi Denise!

    Thanks for the Tag! Love these photos, your island looks beautiful and serene. You look laid back casual but fab nonetheless, loving your nailpolish especially. I totally second that Jason Statham, he could rescue me from bad guys anytime, grrrrrr.


  5. Hi Denise, we just saw Jason Mraz on a concert here in Australia about 2 weeks ago :) I'm so in love with him! I'm Yours was our wedding song (going 1 year on May 10!) :)

  6. Hello, Denise!
    I luv that yellow-boho tunic on you.You ROCK it! Didn't know that your addicted to Vit.C and oranges, and the other things were a revelation.hehehe!

  7. Cute looks. The tops look so comfy and cheerful too.

  8. Love your gold ring! I heart Vit C too :) xo Cari

  9. Kumusta? Love that blue top you're wearing! It looks very breathable.


  10. Wow that Yellow top is lovely on you!

  11. hahah your dinner meal sounds like mine when i can't find anything to eat. i just grab whatever is out there, waiting to be eaten.

    thanks for tagging me :)
    i did the exact same tag a few days ago, so i'm gonna wait a couple of posts to re-do it.

  12. What a beautiful top you're wearing! I love that you look so happy and relaxed in your pictures! xxoxoxo

  13. Denise,

    you have lovely style. I love Philippines. I hope I will visit it someday;)

    I'm adding you to my blog roll:)

  14. Very cute action shots plus the background looks so peaceful!!=)About the fight: True bawal kumurap!


  15. Oh my god! Amazing pictures! I wish I was there!

  16. hooray for yellow!! :)
    have a good weekend!

  17. Your pics are always so beautiful!


  18. Oh I love your yellow blouse! It is so cute on you and the scenery in these photos makes them look great!

  19. Mariacarla is so sexy, I almost can't stand it sometimes! You look very pretty in the mustard colour.

  20. pics are really nice. like your sunglasses!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.