May 7, 2009



Marcela Guinto Adraneda
87 years young
September 13, 1922 - May 7, 2009

I love you Inang, we love you. Am so sad words, i am so aching for words just how terribly am missing you right now.

Just want to share these photos of us taken last July 2007. It's my favorite from all of our photos together. There's quite a story behind it. You see we share the love for nail colors. She won't go to her doctor's appointment every month unless her nails were done. She likes neutral colors and pink. That day, on the picture, i convinced her to try purple. She hates it, but she'll try it if i go with purple too. I tricked her obviously cos am wearing pink, but after a while she got to love the eggplant color too, said her nails looked dead - pinned by a hammer. hihi. She's feisty and funny and a glamour kind too. She likes all kinds of bling and always asking for my bags. ...oh i love her.

One thing i regret though, i never got to drive her to AMERICA. She suffered from Alzheimer's, so from time to time she wanna pack her bags and go driving and i need not worry cos she'll pay for the gas she said. If only Philippines and America were two hours away, why not?

Last time i saw her, she's in the hospital last week, i said goodbye, said ill see her when she's home. I guess she's home now to where Tatang is. Well, Inang give me at least 50 more years then we'll be reunited again, and ill never forget to bring you the eggplant nail polish.

ps, on my wedding, she wore red polish, though she felt it's a vulgar color, but she did it for me, said it's my day, like a wedding gift for me. We're both red!!!! She's so sweet.


  1. Denise...almost cry!! it´s beautiful!!

    I hope to see again a smile on your face...

    Come on!! and...receives a big kiss!!

  2. she was beautiful. 87 years is a great amount of time to be on this earth!
    i hope you will be ok. :)

  3. this is so sweet. I hope you will be ok. *hugs*

  4. So sweet and adorable post! She is beautiful and she sure has young! :)I can't belive...87? Great!



  5. oohhh sweetie I am so sorry! Grandmas are very special. They spoil us rotten cause our parents can't. Those pictures of you two are priceless! My condolences Denise. *hugs*

  6. That's so sweet,your story is making me senti! Your grandma's smile reminded me of my grandma( Mama's mom).She's simple(though she loves to put on cologne and powder all the time). She was 95 yrs.old and she died the year before I got married, guess she's tired of waiting for me to finally tie the knot.Thanks for posting this.My prayers are with you and I'm sure your grandma is in heaven right now.Sorry for the long comment.:)

  7. she was blessed with long life though she will be missed she's somewhere better, where we strive to go.

    special virtual hug and kiss for you.

  8. these photos are so fun! you look so happy together!:)

  9. oh i'm really sorry! hope you're ok.
    she seemed like a really sweet lady, and i'm sure you love to pieces and are gonna miss her really bad. i bet she had a really happy life :)

  10. I'm sorry for your loss! At least you have some special memories of her and such sweet stories!

  11. Hi Ms.denise..
    I am sorry for your loss :(
    just think about your special moments together.. I pray for you and for your inang... condolence.


  12. I am sorry for your loss,hugs:(:*

  13. Oh this is so sad :( I love both my grandmothers dearly and this is something that is so inevitable but too heartbreaking to even contemplate.

    I'm glad that you have these fabulous photos to keep for always too.

  14. *hugs*! so sorry for ur loss :( at least u have great memories with her! :)

  15. my sincere condolences to you and to your family. :( God bless.

  16. This post made my cry. She is beautiful. That eggplant color looks great on her! Sorry for your sadness. Godbless!

    xoxo, Shelly

  17. Condolence denise.. inang seems to be cool grandma =) I'll be praying for you..

  18. Awww...this is so sweet and endearing. I hope you're doing okay! I think your Grandma looked very happy and enjoyed her life. Take care darling! xxoxoxo

  19. I'm sorry for you loss. My sincere condolences to you.

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, I lost my Nan acouple of years ago and still think about her everyday :(

    Your stories of her are ones to cherish!

  21. Marcela was beautiful woman. I am very glad, that I can read about her. Thank you Denice..

  22. I'm really sorry:* She looks like such a sweet lady..and those pictures of you both are just beautiful.
    Take care, dear:*

  23. I'm very sorry....You look so happy on those pics. Hope she's happy now too :) Take care.

  24. Hi gorgeous,

    I am so sad for your loss. And so happy to see what a wonderful relationship you had with your Inang in the photos. She will be with you always, I'm sure.


    ana b.

  25. so sorry... it's nice to see that you were close to her though. My grandpa died about a year ago and I knew pretty much nothing about him...

    xx, Geri

  26. I'm sorry for you! she was a lovely woman! and she'll always look out for you!
    take care darling!

  27. The photos are funny. I'm sorry for your loss...Good luck!



  28. sorry to read about the loss.
    cheer up. i am extending my warmth condolence.

    she looks so sweet! those photos will remind you of her everyday!

  29. I'm so sorry for you. But 87 seems like a good age to go. I hope she's somewhere good now. :( <3

  30. wow, what lovely photos! you both look grat :)

  31. She's absolutely beautiful and it's easy to see the many memories you have to cherish... I'm so sorry for your loss, I know it's difficult.

    Sending my deepest sympathy to you and yours. xxx love to you.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.