May 6, 2009

Tea for Two...Marvelous, just marvelous!

  • Nothing's was bright in the morning then raining again tonight. Am so tired of giving you the weather report. hihi.
  • Have you seen Grey Gardens? WOW! I've heard of a Little Edie before from Marc Jacobs but never really knew on how and why such name for the bag. But anyway please go watch it. The Edies are such great characters, they're still alive for me in so many ways, thus glamour never fades! Note to self: stop singing Tea for Two. And Jessica Lange was soooo good and so was Drew Barrymore. Both thespians got it spot on!
  • Note to self 2: look for a Little Edie scarf.
  • This is my fave pearl necklace. I got it from Boracay two years ago. I consider it my "titanic" necklace, if and only if i wanna be painted wearing only "it". hehe. I am sooooo delusional.
  • Please tell me you're hating your weather there too, i feel like am alone on this....
  • Husband and i are having a marvelous coffee now. Am not so much of a tea person. But i love Tea for Two. hihi.
outfit details
dress: lhasa
shoe: primadona
belt: sm dept store
earrings: from mom
necklace: Boracay
bangle: Subic sidewalk vendor


  1. Love the dress and poses and the Titanic necklace hehe

  2. I actually wore a pantylet (which I wear for my medschool uniform) kasi it's mejo see thru nga!=)the dried leaves make a good background, it's nice!


  3. Everything looks great - the dress is really lovely and the shoes are perfect - I love them!

  4. i loved shopping for accessories when we went to boracay! looking gorgeous darling!

  5. Aw you look so happy, that dress is cute on you!

  6. I love your dress and belt Ms.Denise!:)

    I answered the questions already :)
    thanks for tagging me.


  7. Hi Denise,

    Coffee is the bomb!

    Cute dress with the belt and the shoes really set it off. The setting in the photos are so peacful. Rain isn't a bad thing, unless driving in it, and that's the worse because people start driving like mental patients. :D lol

  8. i hate the weather too! no beach adventures kasi na spontaneous haha.

    loving your dress. AND we have the same bangle! mine i bought in baguio :D about your question, there's a starbucks in camp john hay, it is past the Manor and go straight until the exit for the Baguio Country Club :D

  9. hi denise,

    thanks for reminding about grey gardens! have to get my hands on that like NOW.:) i super love the checks on your dress! love how you're always so fresh and breezy. i really need to get my camera back so i can take pics of similar nature! mine are always "evening/party" shots cuz i don't have my camera yet. sigh.:(

    much love


  10. aw! you look so gorgeous! i love the dress so much! :D

    nice blog, dear,
    visit back mine.

  11. you amped up the value of the rice fields behind you.nice!

  12. I love your dress!! and...I love your sandals!!!

    ´re beatiful!!!

    A kiss*

  13. Gorgeous plaid dress and beautiful pearls! Btw, I think we have the same necklace,hahaha! I bought mine at the tiangge fronting SM Megamall about 5 yrs.ago.If you come by Manila,look it up,they sell beautiful pearls. :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.