July 10, 2009

123456789 and 10

I am thankful of many things, many many things in my life. But today ill share you ten. Not really in particular order cos ranking aside they're all in my number one spot. hihihihi.

  1. You!!!! For reading this, for making me feel special cos you're making time to read my nonsense most of the time. hihihihi.
  2. Koffy. He's so big now. Our first baby dog out of wedlock. hihihi. I can't imagine my life without him. He's turning two this coming October.
  3. Twizzer and Tawas (powdered alum ). Yes! Shaving's too harsh for me and i have allergic reaction to deodorants. Those two, are armpit savers. wiihihihhi!
  4. Full cream milk. Cos nothing beats that. Milk is not milk without all the cream and fat.
  5. Books and pirated dvd movies. hihihii.
  6. My parents. I love them so much. I really really do. After 30 years they're still in love with each other. That's something every child's to be proud of.
  7. Husband. He makes the best breakfast ever.
  8. Gloves or Guantes. I can't do our dishes without it. hihihhihihi. My perfect partner in the sink.
  9. My outfit. The top is 20php and the skirt is 20php too. So am wearing my dollar outfit to our coffee date yesterday. hiihihihi. Happy! It's floral, it makes me happy!
  10. Garlic. I looooove the smell and taste of garlic. YUM!
Well that's about it. How about you? What are you thankful for this week.

HAve a great Friday everyone, and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

top and skirt : thrift
shoe : bazaar
necklace : self made, materials from Quiapo
pouch : bazaar, very old


  1. Hey denise :)

    I love your outfit! :)
    btw, I like your list! hmmm I am not thankful this week cos I have flu! :(
    anyways have a good weekend and keep smiling!
    love che:)

  2. hi there nice collection and iv'e browsed to all of pics hehe, im just bloghoppin. nyways pls visitthe new house of the miester archmiester.iblogger.org and pa add nadin pla sa blogroll thnks

    and ps the katipunera name will suit to my past few excerts hehehe

  3. Beautiful collage as always; you have such a cozy style.;))
    I love all your 10 things, they could have just as well been mine.;))
    Have a lovely Friday!

  4. NICE! There's so much to be thankful and I am glad you appreciate so much of 'em.

    Koffy is such a cute name for a dog. What kind do you have?
    I have shih tzu and his name is Kahve. *smiles*

  5. you are such a nice person :) i love reading about others :)

  6. You look blooming, lady! That outfits suits you :D Me, I'm thankful for my dog Dobie, he knocks and paws at my door if I'm not awake by 8. I guess he's a morning person haha.

  7. great shirt!


  8. Witty post once again! I can just imagine other people being thankful for a lot of extravagance; but you on the other hand, always keep it pure and simple :)

    this week, im thankful for getting a few readers even tho i just started my blog, and u are one of them! :)

    love love,

  9. wow, awesome blouse!
    i like your outfit, it's very good!

  10. your outfit was only 20pesos each!??! =O only in the philippines....!

  11. you look so cute! dollar outfit?! take me shopping!

  12. Hi Denise!!

    Been offline for a minute, so missed your blog. What can I say that I haven't already, Love these pictures. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  13. hello, Denise!

    Agree ako diyan sa top 10 mo although, mababa thresh hold ko sa pain so I don't pluck. Pina-laser ko na lang pero masakit pa rin,hehe. Fresh garlic is best when mixed with vinegar as sawsawan to shrimps,sa lumpia or toppingsa batchoy. Yummy! naku, nagugutom na ako. That top costs only 20 pesos?! Wowowee! You're so pretty in your photo, napa-girlash. Have a nice day tom! :)

  14. Sweet top, I like it ;-))

  15. I loveeeeeeeee this top!!!! <3 <3 :)

  16. i looove the top! and are those faux turquoise beads? l0ve 'em too!

    i have so much to be thankful for this week.. or for any other week for that matter hihi.
    now im thinking about making a list like this too. teehee :D

  17. is that a target sign behind u? hahaha
    ur blouse is soo lovely

  18. You look gorgeous!!

    PS you should check out my blog sale! http://www.escourtn3y.blogspot.com

  19. Beautiful shirt! You always look so radiant! It's so great to have a parents who love each other. Lucky you! xxoxoxo

  20. Denise I love buying DIY accessories materials in Quiapo too!!Used to frequent Quiapo when I was still in my pre-med because my school was near.. We have the same necklace, mine nga lang is a bracelet.. haha ang gulo ko.. your collages are always sunny maybe it's your smile..=)

  21. I have missed your cute blogs and outfits! You look glamorous as usual!

    Love your thankful list!
    xoxo, Shelly

  22. Love your outfit and especially love those bead! I'm thankful for skinny nonfat vanilla lattes. : )

  23. This is such a lovely shirt - suits you very very well :).

  24. Denise,

    I love your outfit! The necklace is really nice-I love that color!

    And I love garlic too! It's so good, but it makes your breath stink!


  25. Love the colors and floral pattern of your outfit! And that necklace is terrific - you did a great job. I don't think anyone would guess the price of your outfit either ;-)

  26. wow your shirt is so amazing. i admire those flowers!

  27. awww thank you very much! :O
    i will definitely check out that website u gave me :) and yes hopefully it'll work for me too! cuz i have tried everything >__< ahhhh!

  28. Ha I love garlic too but it's pretty anti-social right?

    Love your floral top, it's so cheerful! I love how positive your blog is all the time. I'm definitely thankful I have such a great family.

  29. oh denise u look absolutely amazing. i love that turqoise on u... and that skirt... i want

  30. you're looking like a breath of fresh air in that dollar outfit! GREAT picks.:) enjoy your week love!

    much love


  31. your outfit is so bright and cheerful - just like this post :)

    have a wonderful week!

  32. Just popped in from another blog to say hello.
    I have to say i am also a 'clotheshorse' hehe I love my clothes, and cant resist buying more, even though I have enough to dress a small country! :)
    I love the necklace your wearing in these photos, i cant believe you made it! well done :)


  33. You look so beautiful, that blouse is divine!! I loved reading this post and getting to know you a bit! xo

  34. I love the vibrant colours in your outfit! And your turquoise beads are so beautiful.

  35. Love the use of colour in this look..I adore the floral top with the blue beads gorgeous xx


  36. Aw Denise you are such a cutie!
    I really love the colours on the floral top against your skin tone - brings out such rosiness in your cheeks :)

    OK, so forgive my tagalog, cause it's terrible, LOL. Here goes...matanda ako sayo...is that right? LOL if it's not!
    xx Ela
    p.s. what's a girl gotta do to get on your blogroll? Oh and follow too, LOL

  37. can't beat a dollar outfit! you look gorgeous as always... and i like that space/coffeeshop where you guys are at ... lovely!

  38. You look so adorable & chic..the floral blouse is beautiful.

  39. I could agree with so many of these...
    I love full cream milk, the taste of low fat milk is just really different; my parents, obviously i adore them; gloves! my hands thank me for them everytime i do the dishes ;)

    This pink top looks GREAT on you!

  40. wow gorgeous top .. its so pretty and link. and your beads are nice. pretty face .


  41. Really cute top! :)

    Oh and I was wondering if you live in Ilocos. Because if you do, omg, I am so jealous! :| Haha! Beautiful photos, btw! ;)

  42. you are cute. love your bright turquoise color accessories.

  43. Lovely, lovely outfit! The blue necklace is the perfect accessory.

  44. hehe..i thought there's a Target store in Phils.
    because of that red logo behind you.

    denise, wish i was there to buy a clothes for a very cheap price.
    very beautiful floral top!


  45. I really like this blouse, I love flowered patterns and in pics it is so cute!! love all of your outfits by the way! Im happy that you commented on my blog so I was able to know about you, kisses!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.