July 7, 2009

I Drink Coffee So I Can Do Dumb Things Faster

  • I had my first taste of coffee when i was a freshman in college. I am always struggling keeping awake when studying, so when i heard one of my classmate said that coffee will keep me awake, i made my first instant that night. And i loved it. It kept me wide-eyed open till i finished memorizing all that it is that needs memorizing, even the cracks on the wall in my room. And it was that silver-colored time between night and morning, when the sky is still dark, but lights are flickering all over our street that i find myself still awake. My heart is pumping, i took my shower, went to school and wasn't allowed to take the exam because i forgot my permit. Bummer! I blame the coffee. hihihihhii. So i went home, hallucinating a little, and slept the whole day. That was the moment i knew i have become a coffee addict.
  • I had my first trip to Starbucks pretending i "know" the place. I looked at the board menu, frowning a little to give a look of "hhhhmmmmm one expert here! cos Ive been here a hundredth of time......GASP", but really am very nervous. ihihihihi. And oh i went alone, in case i looked stupid, nobody would ever know, of course except the Starbucks people. hihihihi. I don't have any idea what tall is, latte, or frap or venti. Latte sounds cool so i ordered it. I felt like i was robbed cos it's way too expensive for my first take out coffee. I am going back to instant. But the place feels so fine. I feel soooo cool. Yey i've been to starbucks finally!
  • Then about two years ago Kai and I we're both diagnosed with Gastritis due to toooooo much drinking of coffee. Again...GASP! That time we've been dating for two years, and the only place we know for us is a coffee shop. So in order for us to stay alive and healthy for the next 50 years, we stopped taking 5 cups of coffee a day, took the medication for two months, and stayed sober for a month after the treatment. And we've been good after that cos we only take one to two cups of coffee a day. At first it was a struggle. They say coffee is just like a cigarette. A little addiction but way much hard to quit.
Two years ago

coffee dumb
coffee dumb
  • Kai just got off from work, then had our breakfast at a local coffee shop called The Beanery. We still go there once a week. It's a lovely place, we had our first date there as friends, then sweethearts. hihihihi. That's why we love that place.
coffee dumb

Don't we look dumb? hihihihi.

have a great day lovely ladies and gents! Do not overdose on Coffee. That's bad! hihihihii.


  1. hi denise!
    you look more beautiful in that colorful blouse!

    huh! i'm not a coffee drinker though.

    i remember the story about the coffee.
    That was long time ago, coffee was once forbidden by christian priests in Rome because they thought that coffee was "drink of devil". Their reason was if wine is used in Holy Communion and sanctified, the coffee ruined the brain and made you crazy. That was that time when they haven't found out the effect of a coffee yet. Until around 1500s, Pope Clement VIII studied and tasted the coffee as known as "anti-christ coffee brew". He liked the coffee taste and blessed and baptized it and not sinful.

  2. my dear, this multicolored tee is wonderful!

  3. ohhh, I super love coffee too! When I was in college, I wished to create a perfume made from coffee! I love, love Starbucks too. Can I guess the location of the Starbucks you're in? Trinoma? Correct me if I'm wrong hihi.

    And once upon a time, a European King believed that coffee is evil and prescribed it as punishment to criminals. Of course the prisoners drank and drank.. and still lived.... :D

  4. What a sweet post about coffee.;)) Yes, I am addicted too, I get headache if I do not drink coffee in the morning.;))
    Lovely pictures as always.;))

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Denise! i was reading your previous entries - as in super unang entries at nakakaloka ka!hahaha anyway, thanks for the tips. and see you around! :)

    fellow coffee lover,

  7. Hi Denise,

    You look really nice :) I love the scarf as well... very colourful outfit! I dont drink coffee tho! :(
    I love my english tea better! Coffee is too strong for me.

    I really love your smile... are you a commercial model?


  8. Denise I remember back in 3rd year med school I took 2 espresso shots and I palpitated like crazy I was so praning that I might have a heart attack.. hahah.. never again! your scarf is cute BTW..=)

  9. I love the colours you wear - green, yellow, brown - excellent combination :-)

  10. i rarely drink coffee coz it makes me jittery :)

    btw, i like your jeans...

  11. HAH! Overdose on coffeE?!?! Hahah looking good :)

  12. i love the title of this post! haha! ;P

  13. I love the shirt you're wearing in the first picture :).

  14. Funny.funny.funny post!:)

    I too followed once that coffee advise while studying but ended up still sleepy and asleep,lol! Later when I woke up I had a serious case of hyperacidity, so never again.

    Funny and embarrassing Starbucks experience:
    I once used a straw to sip my piping hot coffee,aba ginagawa ba namang juice!Napakagaga ng lola mo na meron palang opening sa side ng lid cover para dun inumin ang kape.Kaya mo yan?! Buti na lang lahat kami baguhan at sunod din sila sa akin so we had all had a good laugh about it.

    Dito grabe ang kape nila as in concentrated talaga kaya small cups lang ang ginagamit sa mga bars. Hindi ko kinaya kaya ngayon tea na lang, sinisikmura ako,eh.

    Cute blouse and scarf! Napaka-serious naman ninyong dalawa sa last photo. Hmm ano kaya ang iniisip ng mga ito? ;)

  15. love the tee!!
    and oops... the coffe made u forget ur permit!! lol
    all the reading was in vain ay??! lol

  16. starbuck coffee makes me bounce off the wall wacky.

  17. Your pictures are always so pretty! What kind of camera do you use?

  18. I love buying starbucks bottled mocha frappuccino in moderation lol :).

    Lovely, I want your scarf :)!!!

    >>> Rebecca Rose

  19. I love the blog title today :D

    I too had to stop drinking coffee as it was making me quiet poorly - I know limit myself to one cup a week as a treat - This post has made me want the cup right now :D


  20. you're very beautiful
    and i love coffee too hehe
    and i used to work at starbucks
    i love the smell of coffee ^_^

  21. Denise dear...

    I luvvvvvv coffee! Always have to start the day with coffee! hehehehe

    I am so ashamed I've never been to starbucks, yet. Wasn't available here till lately....(still hasn't been there)

    pictures of two years ago are lovely!


  22. Loved that you shared your relationship with coffee. Me, personally, am not a coffee person. I'm more of a tea person... but now that i give it a thought i have times when i love coffee and drink more than two per day, and there're times when i'm really into different flavored teas and can go without coffee for weeks. Weird. I guess i'm an in-between girl ;)

    Too much of anything can't be good, and coffee is no exception. Sometimes it's nice to make you miss something and appreciate it more, and eventually remember why you liked it that much in the first place. Woah.. too much for coffee? heehe.

  23. You look cute and man, you certainly do sound like a coffee addict! ;)

  24. haha...what would we all do without coffee?

  25. Coffee is part of my life, even tho I know its bad for health, muz cut down blah blah blah.. but the aroma of coffee, light up my eyes, perk up my tired face and one sip of that heavenly black smooth liquid .... mmmmmm...
    I am a hopeless addict constantly telling myself.. cut down cut down cut down...

  26. I drink coffee but strangely enough I didn't like it enough to be addicted. I never go to starbucks unless I feel like I have some extra money but I'd rather spend it on clothes than on coffee. It's great that you're sober...coffee and any type of soda/caffeine is evil! xxoxxo

  27. oh my god, how can you wear a turtleneck and a scarf in the philippines? is it snowing already? LOL i love it.. ;)

    you look amazing in green!

    click here to visit me at mode junkie!

  28. unique top! the colors and the patterns are ssoooo pretty.

  29. Gastritis yikes! So sorry that happened to you. I don't drink coffee...or alcohol...but I am addicted to chocolate :)
    I especially like the 5th photo where you are in *deep thought* :)

  30. I prefer green tea but if I'm ever in a starbucks I go for the mocha. Easy choice!

  31. you look beautiful on that top and the pic of you 2 years old is gorgeous.

    I'm not coffee drinker. I could handle little...light coffee is fine....hehe


  32. Coffee stories are the best. Every party has a handful of people with crazy hardcore drug stories, but wild caffeine experiences are universal. Everybody's gone on a coffee marathon for some deadline and fallen asleep with their head in the refrigerator, or had one many Red Bulls and blurted to somebody that they smell like ham. Or something.

  33. wow that is one colorful top, and i am in love with it! you look amazing.

    And if i were to do this the proper way i;d say.. HI my name is Meho and im a coffee addict!!

  34. i can definitely relate!! haha, but i never got gastritis. i've been going back and forth a lot with coffee- 3 or 4 cups a day, then down to one, then back up to 5, then take it away... you get the picture. haha, it sounds like you've got it under control, though.

    anyway, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! (:

  35. aww you guys are so cute .
    wow you can get that from too much coffee. i enver touch the stuff but i bet it was hard to give uo . plentyof people cant function without their morning cup of joe (lol silly expression)
    im dying over that grean patch top !

    thanks for the comment

  36. I quite agree with the idea that coffee is like a drug ! I remember I drank my first cup of coffee when I was 14. It didn't taste so good to me but later, I was really addicted : my first pleasure when I woke up was to drink a big cup of coffee black !
    Now I only drink one cup per day.
    I love Starbuck : they make so good coffee ! My favorite : caramel macchiato !

  37. Cute green outfit! Wow 5 cups a day?! That's crazy! I do agree though that coffee shops are such great social places. Maybe switch to tea instead?

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)


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