August 8, 2009

I am Handsome, and sooo aware of it - Koffy






I Love You Man

  • I still sleep in my parents room. But it would be great if they let me sleep beside them on the bed. Mom won't let me so i sleep under their bed. It's cozy and cool, especially when the wind is angry i could hide under it. Unless I squeal from time to time they can tell am really nervous. But am a big boy now so i can handle anything.
  • My favorite time of the day is morning, the only time i get to go out, and greet everyone a great morning, especially the sweet lady above. I love her. Anyway my Dad would take me jogging every 5am and later on, my best friend Sandy and I would play around the neighborhood just running around and Sandy following me anywhere i go, and also my Dad, which is so lame cos i never get to see our neighbor's chicken. I got busted once, everybody thought i attacked the chicken, but it's that chicken who attacked me. But who will believe me right? Sometimes having a great body is a curse. Not that am complaining.
  • I am turning 2 this coming October 12. I am so excited. Mom said we will go out have picnic party, i just hope that by then the weather will be fine. The sad part is, am turning two and still no girlfriend.
  • Sometimes it's annoying to hear my parents wish i turn into a baby again. They said they wanna carry me into their arms once more, cos am too big now, even bigger than them. When we play, i get carried away and bruise them on their arms and legs. Dad takes all of them most of the time. When he comes home from work i just get so happy and excited am forgetting how crazy strong i am, but Dad's always playing with me and Mom videotaping us wrestle each other. I hope those videos will never come out. Very embarrassing.
  • Well have a great day everyone. Mommy's sleeping all the time. I hate stormy weather, but Mom on the contrary loves it so much. By the way i am a total Mommy's boy. I love her and dad so much.
these are the baby photos my Mom is talking about. I look cute. i know!


Koffy "d handsome"


  1. Oooo, haha he is absolutely handsome! AND ADORABLE DOGGY!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. So cute; life is so much better with pets.;))
    Love your photography, you make the best collages.;)

  3. koffy is really cute! by the way, i love your blog, your outfits, and the pictures! :)

    -- rconita

  4. im in LOVE with your boxer!! he has the sweetest face :)

  5. that was the cutest post about Koffy! it actually felt like he actually wrote it all =D and cute koffy pictures when he was a puppy! awww :)

  6. Cute dog... and he can talk too! He's so articulate and photogenic by the way. ;)

  7. Oh Koffy is soo cute :)
    Advance happy birthday Koffy :)

    Much love Che :)


  8. adorable dog! and cute friendship too darling!
    he looks happy behind you!

  9. hi denise!
    koffy is so lucky to have you.
    he's so cutee.
    how old is he now?


    thanks for your comment, dear!


  11. your dog should blog more :) very cute indeed!

  12. Your dogs are so cute. I have a chihuahua and a German Shepard mixed with husky, love them.

  13. oh this is really sweet and cute! hi there Koffy! you're very adorable dog! i think you know that already, right? :)

    keep up being a very good dog, always obey your parents ok! and please don't be annoyed to them when they want you turn into a baby dog again. you can't blame them, you are so cute! and stay still and sleep under their bed during stormy weather. you'll be fine, it'll go away. :)

  14. hi koffy! you're so cute! and i agree with mommy, you're handsome eh?

  15. Aww so cute. Is Koffy a boxer dog? my boyfriend LOVES boxers :)



You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.