August 1, 2009

Lost and Found and some other things

lostand found

lostand foundlostand foundlostand foundlostand found

lostand foundlostand found

I thought i lost these photos forever. I am a bad photo manager. Aside from forgetting about them, i for some reason stored them in a folder where they should not belong. I just found them today. And made me happy. hihihhi.
These ones were taken last April. On the heat of summer. Climbing that truck is so much harder than it looks.

lostand found

lostand foundlostand foundlostand foundlostand found

lostand foundlostand found

We're trespassing here. It's fun actually. We saw the tree, it looks cute. We thought it's just a near walk from the road, but took us half an hour to get to the tree. Obviously it's hot. I can feel my feet burning from the heat.

lostand found

lostand foundlostand foundlostand foundlostand found

lostand foundlostand found

lostand found

And these ones, we drove one hour to get to the nearest starbucks. I never bought anything i tried on except the blue belt and white sandals. Cute right?

And right now.....
  • Honestly my life is pretty plain and simple. I live in a province, in a small town city with one small mall probably just the size of an A-list celebrity parking lot, maybe even smaller. But we live across a 3 star hotel????- the only hotel here in our town, so much to say that we're in the 3 star zone area. hihihi. But we have some "cool" restaurants, 4 coffee shops and probably some bars i've never been to plus most importantly we have lots of Hospital. So health care isn't a problem. hihihi. Seriously living here isn't that bad. Well i grew up here, in the most peaceful place on Earth. But when my parents sent me to college to be a big city girl, i honest-to-goodness never thought ill come back here ever again. Ever! hihihhi. But fate knows best. I came back for a reason that you might think is crazy. But yeah am here now, bumped into an old time friend, - now is my husband. I guess ill never be a city girl. I don't like traffic, chaos, the rush. I like it here, where everybody knows my name! CHEERS!
  • So yeah, 3 hours drive to the city is like a field trip for me. I am not a complainer. I like the hours of distance that the city and our little province give to each other. That is called respect. And am happy to admit that am such a loser getting excited and all ticklish going to the city once in a while. hihihi.
.....And from the bottom of my heart i thank you all for ever supporting my blog. Dropping comments, for giving me inspiration to be always honest and fun. Believe me everyday isn't that always fun, like fairytale fun but you guys are just the best. And of course to our silent readers my heart leaps for joy for your time. HAve a fun day everyone!


  1. cute nga ng sandals mo,hehehe,sosi ka talga.

  2. all those photos are wonderful!
    i also have hard time managing photos i have on my computer haha xD

  3. Love them!! I love skirt and girly outfits!!
    My favorite pic is the one with different color sandals : ) It's cute!

  4. Hun, love the pics.. they are all beautiful as usual. Take care.

    >>> Rebecca Rose

  5. interesting pics! :)
    cool pants with holes! i like it
    kisses :)

  6. Denise the lost and found photos are adorable. Love your jeans and your outfits.

  7. i love your jeans honey,think is so sweet how you returned to your town and bumped into the old friend who is now your husband.How sweet and romantic.

  8. i love the first photo shoot!esp since you're wearing chucks! hehe! and the photo of you with two different sandals, I LOVE IT!!!!

  9. love the last picture on so many levels! :)

  10. hi D,

    i super missed visiting your blog while i was on hiatus-you just always cheer me up, so down to earth and nice! looking fantastic in all the pics:)

    much love


  11. You have a talent in putting together collages; they are always so coordinated full of colours and great shots.;))

  12. thanks for the compliment. You are soo sweet:) I love your white sandals. And your Country is beautiful and unique. I would love to go right there and see everything;)!!

  13. Wow. I don't think I've seen you so boyish and casual as in the first photos! That tractor is enormous!

  14. You look awesome, love all the pictures! That store looks so amazing!

  15. I love your first look very much.
    the sandals are cute.


  16. Great pictures and wonderful looks :).

  17. Cute photos! Im not much of a City girl either.. I just go to the city to shop or party!

  18. High top converse are a must have.

  19. Denise, some great photos! My favourites are the first one and the shopping ones-theyre so colourful!
    Just also wanted to let you know that Ive tagged you, i hope you will join in, the post was alot of fun :)


  20. I love first pictures : your t-shirt is so cool ! And I find that wearing different colors shoes is really original !

    By the way, I live in the city and sometimes, it's too noisy and I just want to live a little bit far away from all these sounds !!

  21. Great pictures!
    I like the first one very much :-)

  22. I love the first photo! The backdrop of a blue clear sky is so amazing! You are so adorable! xxoxoxo

  23. Hi Denise! enjoyed this post a lot.. Love the 1st pic! and the shoe pic too..=)

  24. Love that look! Can't go wrong with shredded jeans and Cons.

  25. wow, nice photo shoot! so fun and fruity haha

  26. wow is that placea shop ? is that starbucks .

    its so colorful its blinding!

    also i love your dress in the lost post . its beautiful

  27. i just found your blog today and i love all the photos you have on here.

  28. You look cute in all your pictures. Small towns definitely have a lot of appeal. :)

  29. wow the tractor as a prop is sooo crazy! The sandals are so cute, were they different on purpose?

  30. your photos are absolutely lovely darling!

    I'd really appreciate if you'd check out my blog! just starting out and would appreciate some support!

  31. Nice pics! I love the ones with the tractor. ;-)

    I like your story about being a small town girl. I am one too! I use to live in a big city where I went to school and had a great job. But then I married my hubby and his job requires us to be in the small town we live in now.

    I have known my hubby since we were 5 yrs old. I once upon a time wanted to marry him in my younger years, but never thought it would actually happen one day. Glad it did though and I wouldn't change it for anything even if it means not living in a big city. ;-)

    xoxo, Shelly

  32. Your lost and found photos are definitely worth it.The tractor is so huge. Mahirap nga umakyat dun,hehe!

    I love both the white and gray/blue sandals. They're both cute.If it was me, binili ko na yung dalawa, that is kung may budget pa ako. ;)

    Have a great week ahead! :)

  33. Denise you are sooo cute! I can't stop saying it. I love that you and hubby reconnected :)
    Those sandals are so cute, I want them!!!
    Hehe and I love the tractor pics :) xx

  34. you look so cute in those bf cut-off jeans! simplify, simplify, simplify - that is my new mantra =)

  35. Ooh, I really like your blog.

    And holy hell, the photography is insane...what camera do you use? I love how vivid it all is, the clarity and the "frame" in each shot...just perfect!

    Will def be back :)

    p.s. living in a small province is not so bad, I think....I quite like it)

  36. hi denise!
    i miss visiting your blog.

    you rock and roll in your outfit!
    is it a genevieve gozum store?
    i love that store.
    it's one of my fave store when i was there.

  37. That last photo is great! So cute :P And I love the photos of in the shop...looks really cool and chaotic. Lots of bright colors, really intriguing.

    xox, mavi

  38. Seriously love every single shot... but the first image is just incredible!
    So lovely. xxx

  39. Those sandals are such fun!

    I adore these photos, they are so amazing! Your photos always make me smile, I guess it's because you and your husband seem to have so much fun taking them!

  40. WOW, great locations!!, that first photo of you on the tractor thing reminds me , fo the Ciara Ft missy elliott video NICEE!



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