January 1, 2010

Too Oooh Ooohh Nine!















2009 has been so good to me, It's just so hard to find something to complain about even a tiny bit. Am here in front of you with a mug of my coffee suffering from a cough and runny nose and almost no taste buds at all but still very grateful for all things great and small that has happened in 2009. Am in so much awe for the huge development of this blog and you all, are just beyond amazing for supporting the cuckoo behind this blog. hihihihi.

Am grateful for so many things but am afraid i might bore you if i share it all here so ill just say two or three.

  • So aside from my mom and dad, my friends, and our sponsors, of course it's YOU! You are this blogs oxygen. Without you not any of this is possible. This blog would have died a long time ago if not because of your kind comments, shared stories, and suggestions, and even to our silent readers for continuously making their presence known through emails, thank you all so much. In every comment and email you already had my heart at hello. c",)
  • My husband and his Nikon D40. They come in package. hihihi. For this blog, no Jayson no blog at all. He is my heart. I believe that God gave us everything in pairs-two hands, two eyes, two ears…But only one heart? That's because God gave my other heart to Jayson for him to find his perfect pair in me. And he loves me, cos when a girl has no make up on, her hair is a mess, specially in the morning and she is dressed in rags and you look her into the eyes and say you're beautiful, that's love. Well he always says am pretty and cute and i believe him 701%. hihihhi. We're both losers before, but we've found love. Now I don't feel like a stupid ugly gigantic loser at all..
Happy New Year everyone!

Again, thank you much more, more than a greeting can say, because you were thoughtful, In such a nice nice nice way!

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.


  1. happy new year, denise!
    wish you all the best this new year!

  2. p.s we're on the same boat.
    the whole family is sick. hubby, me and mr. freddy.
    huh, it's already late here and i'm still up. mr. freddy could hardly sleep because of his congested nose. my poor baby.
    get well soon !

  3. Happy New Year Denise!Ü
    May you have a more blessed and prosperous twenty ten!

  4. What wonderful photos youve shared with us. Your blog always puts a smile on my face, i think because its just so cheerful. My favourite of the photos is the one with the blue ruffle skirt and pink shoes!
    Wishing you and hubby health and happiness in 2010.


  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, I hope 2010 is wonderful to you xxx

  6. Happy New Year!

    P.S.: ♥Fresh start of 2010? Oh yeah, don't forget to join the Curious Sparrow giveaway!♥

    Good luck!


  7. Happy new year to you ! Wish you lots of thing : love, happiness, successful !

  8. what a beautiful collection of photos! always nice to hear about a happy couple such as you two. wish u all the best*

  9. awww, you're super duper cute denise!!! i love the part about PAIRS :) it just tickles my heartstrings hehe...

    have a blessed new year!!!

  10. Happy new year ! I hope this one is as good -or actually ever better- as your 2009!

  11. Happy New Year, U are always beautiful!!!

    Take care!!!

    >>> Rebecca Rose

  12. happy new year! You were glooming on these pictures. I love how you mix and match your clothes and how flexible you are when it comes to dressing up. Get well soon.

    I got myself a new blog. I hope you check it out.


  13. Denise, dito lang sa village namin. I go to two shops here. Yung isa nga nag-sale... 3 for P100 ang mga dresses. Di na ko nagsukat, kuha na lang ng kuha. Ayun pag-uwi ko, maliit yung iba sa akin, I gave them to my niece na lang.

  14. Happy New Year, Denise!
    I wish U all the best

    I didn't see before those purple ruffle skirt - awesome!

    kisses :))
    Watching the waves

  15. happy new year dear!wish you all the best for 2010!lovely pics.

    ps:can you vote for me?http://www.facebook.com/Coach?v=app_227828519033&ref=search ,my set is the first one from the last row!thanks!

  16. What a lovely post Denise and stunning pictures as usual .. wishing you all the best for the new year!

    Love CC xXx

  17. Happy New Year to you and your husband! =) Thanks for sharing allt he wonderul photos. I can't wait to see all the new photos you decide to share with us in the new year. =)

    xoxo, Shelly

  18. awww sad to hear abt the cough n the runny nose! hate it when the flu bug bites, esp when u shld be enjoying all the yummy new year goodies! but i'm sure that cuppa coffee u had with u whilst u did the updates made it every bit better :) coffee cheers me up whenever i'm feeling low. its like my very close personal fren ;P

    i love that baby pink+baby blue shoes in that 5th pic & that ribbon pair in the 1st pic! u always feature such pretty shoes! maybe u shld do a whole post on ur shoe collection! i'll love to have a look!

  19. happy new year to you denise! wishing u n ur hubby every bit of love & happiness the new year brings along with it :D

    n i love ur post title "too oooh oooh nine"... cute.

  20. happy new year denise! looks like 2009 was awesome for you and i hope 2010 will be double the fun :)


  21. oh God, i love you! :D you always look so optimistic and beautiful :)

    happy new year <3

  22. Lovely summary of your 2009 in stunning pictures.;)
    Hope 2010 will be as good, if not better.;)
    Happy New Year dear friend,

  23. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 denise !
    you look lovely in all of those shots . i really love the one with you at the beach with the giant neckpiece you wore .

    and loved ur purple tiered skirt . you looked cute and sweet in it .

    stay blogging buddies .
    xoxo . Michelle

  24. omgggg love these pictures. sooo cute and very awesome jumps/poses!



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