January 3, 2010

You Go Tiger! 2010 is The Year of the Bloggers




Okay, you can say it. Am so corny. hihihi.

Well I just got so lucky last November I've found this Tiger shirt from the local thrift store, and honestly I didn't plan on wearing this on purpose for 2010's year of the Tiger. Heck i didn't know anything about Chinese horoscope. Well, the truth is, since am so poor I can't afford the Christopher Kane gorilla and crocodile dress, I was thinking this tiger dress is just perfect to satisfy my appetite for animal prints. Some wear fur, but this is me, my tiger dress without sacrificing any form of life. I think am some kind of a hero then?! saving the life of this shirt and welcomed her to a new family to love and appreciate once again. c",) hihihi.

So 2010 prediction huh. I say this is the year of the Blogger. I got a feeling bloggers will totally dominate the world. Is there a blogger out there running for the Presidency? hihihi. 'Cause Id rather vote for a blogger than a politician. hahaha.

Internet is a good thing. Let your voice be heard, write about your passion. Such a reward to be able to communicate, connect and interact to a bunch of people with whom you share same enthusiasm about something. If you care enough, share.

Happy 2010!

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN and Twitter.

dress: thrift 1$
tights: Leg Love by Kate Torralba
shoes: Possibility
clutch: ???

necklace: self made
bracelets: Quiapo


  1. happy new year denise!
    how's the new year celebration there?
    miss the fireworks and the food!

    girl, love that tiger dress. looking sexy ah!

  2. Pretty, pretty. The piled on bangles are spot on.

    Happy new year :)

  3. happy new year to you!!! and yay lets rock blog this year!!! xx cat
    CiTiEs of B

  4. wow denise, that top is fierce and lovely. i love the tranquil feeling reflected in every shots and..you look fantastic. keep up the good work! :)

  5. I do also have several t-shirts with tiger stamps on them and I really like this kind of t-shirt!
    You look great as always!

  6. Thank you for your kind comment! If you are really going to make the necklace, then you really need to post photos of it, because I'm curious how your result will be.

    p.s. I love your Charles and Keith
    Shoes from the previous post, which are amazing!

    happy 2010 as well!

  7. an animal element ;) nice.
    I love the way you combined all colors.

  8. You look fabulous! I'm with you, go Year of the Blogger!!! lol

  9. go! go! go! love that Tiger dress and the neclace, sooo nice.

  10. lovely lovely shoes and yes 2010 will be the year for bloggers bwhaha :P

  11. the dress is really pretty! ;)

  12. Yeah I see that 2010 is the tiger year. I know nothing about chinese astrology but I hope so that this year will be great !

    And I totally agree with you that Internet is an amazing thing ! I never think I will know people around the world ! Great stuff, huh ?

    happy new year for you and your family ! Wish it will bring you happiness, healthy and successful !

  13. Love this dress!! Your accessories are Always amazing, love the colors! I'm very excited for the year of the Tiger too!

    Hope you had a great holiday :)



  14. love your shoes here..
    and i don't think i've said this but you're backgrounds are soo amazing... i only take photos where i can see good light..hehe.


  15. This dress couldnt have gone to a better owner! Im still loving tights with short dresses like in this look.
    The year of the bloggers sounds good to me :)


  16. I like the idea of the year of blogger! And I like the shirt, black and white never goes wrong.;)

  17. You look great in the tiger dress! =) The pictures are amazing as always.

    Year of the blogger...I really like that! =) I would rather vote for a blogger than a politician, too!! ha!

    xoxo, Shelly

  18. ganda ng top. i like the sleeves. v interesting.

    happy new year ulet! ^^

  19. God, I want to steal your top!! Love the outfit. You're gorgeous, dear.

  20. the tiger is great would make a superb beach wrap, non?

  21. I love your blog! is fantastic, and I love your style! I follow you!


  22. happy new year! im lovin your shoes :) are they from The Ramp at Crossings?

  23. hey!

    Cute outfits and lovin this one to bits! so fierce =)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.