January 28, 2011

11:35pm Onwards


The newest person in our home doesn't like sleeping at night. In fact for him, at ten pm, the night's just getting started where he wants to play and make his cute noises of coohs and aaahhhs. After an hour or two it's still bearable, i feel like am still burning my energy and believe me I have plenty of it. After three hours am still good, but four hours later and still no sign of sleepiness, that's when everything becomes crazy. Name it, crying spells, rocking , swinging, singing and dancing all the same time, I've done it. Even the crying spells. There are so many nights that am close to tears, especially that one night - am alone with him and he did not sleep for seven hours. From ten pm to five am he's awake. No wonder so many mothers are crazy. Hello Crazy Mother's Club, here's your newest member.

The following day, I said to myself ....


black shoes
black shoes
black shoes

Not one, but six and more to come. Soon as I made the order, (I love you mom for these shoes. You are the best) Yllac's sleeping pattern turns to normal. Meaning, like us, normal people that sleeps when the sun sets down. Seriously, as a mother now to mothers out there, you deserve a shoe too, or purse, or a massage or mani and pedi. You deserve pampering and all the nice things this world has to offer. So go, buy yourself something that makes you happy. You most of all deserve it.


  1. Those shoes are awesome! You definitely deserve them after the long nights. :) Where are they from? I recognize the last one from Gold Dot. :)

  2. Welcome to the Mother's club! Haha :) Honestly (not to scare you) I *always* cry whenever Travis is up and crying by that time, it lasted for a month and Thank God after that Travis' sleep is like mine na.

    You can do et, Momma Den! :)
    We deserve et too, I agree!

  3. Welcome to motherhood! :)
    You're just starting Mommy Den, more experiences to come.. Aja!!!
    Yeah yeah, we deserve some pampering once in a while :D
    Goodluck, and Mooore POWER!


  4. welcome to the puyatan club denise!! :)
    i exactly know how it is so these shoes are really well deserved!
    i am sending you cyber mommy powers!! you can do it!
    yllac is soo cute. so carry na lang!


  5. hahaha, awesome how you were all ranting mother one minute & then fashion crazed the next. i love it. you definitely deserve more than one pair! :D

    boat ride through the sky

  6. Why are babies nocturnal? tsk, tsk. I appreciate my parents more after this post. Must have kept them so late at night.

  7. Awe! The baby is so cute! I never saw your post about when he was born. Here is a very late congrats! :-)

  8. wide eye.. midnight.. motherhood..

    so are we seeing a room full of shoes? LOL

    your son is so adorable :)

  9. I love everything! ^^. Although I'm not a mom yet, I've seen what your going through, via my sister (who has a wonderful kiddo, ^^)--and yes I agree that you truly deserve a new pair (or several!) of shoes, ^^, throw in a diamond ring and some mini dresses too, ^^.

    Do join my giveaway Ms. Denise :


  10. hi denise! where did your mom buy those shoes?

  11. Aww bless and yes you deserve it :D

    Sal xXx

  12. Congratulations on the baby!!!! He looks so cute in these pictures!
    Love the first shoes in the bottom row! (Nice to see that not all women loose their interest in silly things like high heels, when they become a mother.)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.