January 30, 2011

Brandy's Collar and Tongue

brandy's collar
brandy's collar
brandy's collar
brandy's collar
brandy's collar

OLA gorgeous ladies and gentlegays! Bear with me, I feel a lot rusty these days. Having not blogged for almost a month gave me plenty of things to share but honestly I don't have the slightest idea where and how to to begin. See, am still crawling my way back to blogging, so let me just show you what I wore yesterday to a family lunch. I love this dress. I wore this last December 24, 2010, the day I gave birth to Yllac. And yesterday was a big surprise when I finally noticed how my waist shrunk much tinier than my hips.

Anyway, regarding the shoes from my previous post, it's all from amiclubwear.com's clearance sale, except the last shoe which is from Gold Dot. Speaking of Gold Dot, am wearing the Brandy boots I purchased last December. I gave it a little collar and a .... tongue, folded it a bit to elongate my short legs. You know how short girls look even shorter on boots, so i have to tweak a bit to avoid looking like a dwarf.    

Have an amazing day everyone! 

dress: Sm Department Store
Brandy Boots: Gold Dot
Ring: Quiapo
Earrings: thank you Janis Paredes-Dawal


  1. spoiled bitch! i just wander what will you do without your mom. All your stach are from your mother. Without your mother you have nothing worth reading to blog.

    congrats on your baby boy. Hope you raise him well.

  2. materlialistic bitch

    materlialistic bitch

    materlialistic bitch

    materlialistic bitch

    materlialistic bitch

    materlialistic bitch

  3. I love what you did with the booties!!!^^ definitely an idea worth trying, ^^
    and WELCOME BACK!!! ^^ I (We) missed you, ^^

  4. Well dont you look lovely Denise! Must be great to have your body back and wear your usual clothes. Hope the little fella is doing fine.

    If you have a minute Im having a giveaway you might like :)


  5. you look great, this dress suits you so well!

    what the fuck are those sick comments above? wow, after all the shit I've seen, sometimes I still find it hard to believe how pathetic some people are ...

  6. you look great, denise! :) congratulations on your baby boy!

  7. I love your dress! I'm gonna hunt it down!

  8. hi den!!! <3
    back to business ka ulit! <3 well, technically, u didn't disappear naman, but you know what i mean! :D

  9. hello denise. just wanted to know - are the sizes posted in amiclubwear's site are in US or UK. i might pick the wrong size. thanks in advance and more power!

  10. i am so loving your look here specially your dress!!! btw, don't mind the haters :)

  11. that's the shoes i'd love to have! :) don't mind that hater.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.