July 8, 2011

Pray For My Baby Koffy Will You?

koffy and mommy
koffy and mommy
koffy and mommy
koffy and mommy

This morning Koffy's paws had swollen as huge as my palm. It was a moment of panic for us because there's this little voice inside of me that keeps saying Koffy's not well for the last couple of days. We rushed him to see a new vet, because apparently the old one knows nothing about his condition but a simple canine psychological stress. I can't go with all the details right now because I am so angry and so frustrated and guilty and sad and hopeless and tired about how our day went. All I am asking from you is to please say prayers for my Koffy that he finished all his medications well and safe so he can live more healthy years. I love Koffy. It pains me so much knowing something's giving him pain and discomfort. I can't imagine life without him. With him I am never alone. I know he won't live as long as humans do, but it's just too soon and he's too young. He's a good sweet boy and I am not ready to say goodbye yet. Not today, not ever and I don't think Ill ever be. I wanna blame some people, i really do, but at the end of every day, I am his momma, all blame is on me.

My eyes are tired, my nose is swollen, my heart is heavy.

But I am hopeful that tomorrow will be better for our little family. I prayed for it, and with all my heart I believe tomorrow is going to be good.

.... to all my friends and twitter friends, thank you for all your prayers. I owe you so much. Thank you. God Bless.


  1. Oh no. I hope Koffy gets better soon. :(

  2. what happened to koffy? my prayers are with you :(

  3. He will be better soon.. I may not know exactly how you feel right now, but be safe and well also because Koffy needs you right now..

  4. i sympathize with you and will pray for him to get better.

  5. my prayers for your baby koffy :) hope he'll get well soon!

    ehla :)

  6. Sorry to hear about Koffy's condition. Praying he'll feel much better real soon.

  7. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. get well, Koffy! *hug*

  8. hope he's ok... you didn't have any post for today... i hope everything's ok.... hugggssss for koffy....

  9. hugs for you and koffy. hope he gets better real soon


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