September 9, 2011

Deva ju

So so so serious.

I LOVE this photo. My fave so far. It freaks me out too. In a good way.

Some 18 years ago I'm sure I've seen this face. Same eyes. Same stare. Who you might ask?

His Dad.

Back in high school his Dad used to stand in front of our classroom door, every morning, wait for me, smile and give me his happiest "good morning Denise!"

Never would have thought that almost two decades later Ill be able to see that face again. It's like a ghost..... very endearing ghost id love to see everyday.


  1. AWWW <3.. He really looks like his dad, as in! :)

    The Explosive Orange

  2. aww his dad's so sweet naman! and they're both cute then, if that's the case. haha! =P

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You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.