September 7, 2011

Shoes, Stripes, Flowers

shoes, stripes and flowers
shoes, stripes and flowers
shoes, stripes and flowers
shoes, stripes and flowers
shoes, stripes and flowers

It looks right in my mind. It felt cool just thinking about these pieces going together. I just didn't imagine the outcome.

Well, I refuse to defend my outfit. Always. Most especially this. c",)

jacket and dress: thrift
purse/diaper bag: Folded & Hung
Marcela Cut out Heels available at Shoe Etiquette


  1. Gora lang with what we want to wear! =P Ako din laging maganda sa isip ang outfit, but it's a little weird and off when I actually put them together. Pero keberzz! :D

  2. That blazer was meant for you, Denise! I love it. And good on you for not trying to explaining your outfit. Fashion's supposed to be fun and you look like you're have a great time :) I hope the family is well.

  3. Thank you girlfriends. saying i refuse to defend sounds like I am actually defending what i wore.

  4. ameei o look flor, super linda (:
    Tenha um ótimo feriadão para você, ;*
    Beijos !

  5. I love the blazer! You don't have to defend the look hun, you look lovely! :)

  6. Hi Denise,

    Here you go:

    Is it ok if I make you a member of KE? This is because I want the FOTD or LOTD post I got from you to appear under your name. At the moment it says 'by jillsabs', which I want to change.


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.