December 3, 2011

I Can't Sleep


The last time I was this excited was year, last December, the day before I gave birth. I just can't sleep. It's the combination of excitement and inspiration for the unknown. But am pretty sure it's gonna be great. I am so excited right now Am gonna wet my bed. Ill probably give myself a stroke tonight for tomorrow's anticipation for Bloggers United Bazaar and the Philippine Blog Awards awarding night and tomorrow is the day that I will say goodbye, at least for a while to my parents. It's time they go back to their planet. I am very happy for tomorrow but am sad too. I love tomorrow but I hate it too. I feel a bit broken now. Not half empy, not half full. Like an egg, when it's a bit cracked. You know, it's like one morning you wake up and it's a crazy crazy day, so you are just trying to get through the day without falling apart.

I am confused. But I am sure my heart is so used to this. It'll get by.

Anyway, goodnight friends.

1 comment:

  1. hi ms denise. i am so happy that i've seen you in person na and not just in the blogsphere :) thanks for being so accommodating and for the free tickets too. thank you thank you thank you. god bless!!!

    -cat limson-


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.