December 5, 2011

My Boy Growing Up Too Fast For My Liking

.... More like i waited for you all my lifeOh that smile. We're playing peekaboo
I could just kiss him all day longHe's good at this.
My baby looking like a young boy. He's growing up too fast for my likingHere, my little boy checking out the pretty girls next table.

photos taken via instagram. By the way I am also Denise_Katipunera on instagram. See you there?

Can't believe how our lives changed since becoming parents to this little guy. And I can't believe I just called him little guy. Because look at him, every single day he's morphing into one. And I don't like it. The last photo, he kept on glancing at the pretty girls next table. And the girls loved it. This is bad.


  1. aw he's just so cute--kaka melt ng heart! ^^

  2. He's so gwapo. No wonder the girls loved it. That look can only be described as 'nakakakilig' Ha ha!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.