March 27, 2012

Hot and Cold and Colds

yllac and momma

Yllac and I are fighting a nasty cold for days now. Yllac won his battle and looks like this cold pinned me down so good I can't get up. I hate sick days. I hate that last week's weather was so weird. Humid hot for the first half of the day and suddenly out of nowhere here comes the rain for the rest of the day. Hot + cold, what do you get? Coldsss. Thank God Jayson doesn't get sick. I love him more because of that. 

Thank you so much for all the loving and touching messages and emails you sent me regarding my baby koffy. And also for sharing your pet stories with me. They made me cry, but after a good cry, it took all that heaviness in my heart. Miraculously after writing this blog, he ate the next day. Am sorry if I made you somehow sad. I guess am that desperate to beg for people's prayers. And thank you for praying for him. I want you to know that it worked. I know this won't be the last of the many episodes concerning his health but am more at peace now and yeah, I need to stop being sad about all these. Koffy has brought so much joy and love in our lives and he's a blessing to everyone who knows him and I need to focus more on that. Ill take every single day at a time and always remember (because i tend to take matters into my own hands most times) that God is in control of everything.

God bless, take care.


  1. Such a pretty outfit Denise. Get well soon! :) Glad to hear Koffy's doing well.

  2. You are such a wonderful mother to Yllac and Koffy. You have such a huge heart! I hope that you feel better very soon.

    Things like dear pets and babies growing up makes me realize that life is so transient. Let's enjoy the days with our loved ones to the fullest!


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.