March 25, 2012

A Huge Chunk Of My Heart Is Sad For A While Now

koffy and daddy

Koffy's been sick for the last 6 months now. And it's been half a year that my heart is aching for this beautiful creature. I find it hard to talk about him and his whole condition without thinking of the negative possibilities. Jayson and I are doing our best to take care of him and we've come to a point of not talking about Koffy anymore but just to do our routine to keep him strong and happy. 

Koffy's gone blind now. 

And I've been crying since then. It's so hard not to. His beautiful brown eyes turned into a lifeless sad color of gray a couple of weeks ago due to his liver disease. He's taking so much medication. So much I don't think his body can take them anymore. It just breaks my heart on those nights I hear him cry. We'd hug him and pray for him. I want him to live forever. He's a dog, my dog, he's sweet. If he's a person, he'd be perfect. We love him so much. Maybe I am being selfish here, or I'm stupid not to think that dogs don't live long like humans do. Maybe that's his only fault - his life is short. Maybe if God favors me he'd make him see again and give him twenty more years. I know I'm asking too much but that's all I can do right now, to ask for so much more. And please if you're reading this, say him your prayers of healing. And if it's not too much, pray for me too, to have a big strong heart to accept graciously what's to come. 


Thank you.

Because, I'm kind of broken lately. And i feel that it's not good for my family.


  1. Aw. :( I am really hoping all the best for Koffy. He is fortunate to have a great family like you. Will pray for him

  2. Shucks. Naiiyak ako. I don't like hearing or reading about pets getting sick.

    Just continue showering Koffy with your love. He might not be able to see you guys but I'm sure he feels your love. I'll pray for you and Koffy.

  3. hi den, your story made me cry. i had been a big fan of koffy... it is because i also love dogs and i have cried a dozen times because of them. i will pray for koffy. lheck

  4. so sorry about Koffy, Denise. :( he is blessed to have such a loving & kind family to take care of him.

    boat ride through the sky

  5. Just stay strong. Koffy would love to see you happy. and spend happy times with his family. He's a sensitive dog I know, surely feels when you're happy, mostly when you're sad. :) Be his strength sis. He'll be happier.

    Prayers for Koffy and for you, his family.

    I'm always touched with pet stories. They do make our lives more worthwhile.

    - Belle

  6. i have a dog too and hearing things like this happening to one's pet is heartbreaking for me too.:( rest assured i'll pray for you and koffy.

  7. Aw. My prayers are for him tonight. Dogs are one of my weaknesses as well.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Koffy. I don't care what some people say pets are a part of the family. Their love is unconditional and they're always there when you need someone to listen to you and if you need someone to hug. They call the dog a man's best friend for good reason.

    Just hug him when he cries. He must be so scared sometimes. I pray that he will be comfortable.

  9. =( in your blog, we've seen Koffy grow---in a way, he's our Koffy too... I hope for strength for him and you Denise, it just breaks my heart to read this,...we must hope for the best.

  10. hugs denise.. i feel ur pain... God will give u the best... keep the faith...

  11. i don't have a dog but hearing this story makes me heartbroken as well because we know how much you care for Koffy. I'll pray for you and Koffy.

  12. huhuhu so sad for koffy =( I'll pray for him.. Smile na ate den!

  13. it's heartbreaking to know that he is unwell.. i've been used to seeing him in your blog for years and reading how much you love him is adorable. praying for you and Koffy :)

  14. hugs Den... you know Koffy and your family is always in my prayers.. keep strong for your boys..

  15. praying for Koffy.. naiyak ako. =(

  16. :( I have six dogs and I really feel sad reading this. I will pray for Koffy :)


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