April 25, 2012

4 Years

4 year wedding anniversary
4 year wedding anniversary
4 year wedding anniversary
4 year wedding anniversary
4 year wedding anniversary

Exactly four years ago from today, we got married. I don't remember much of it, but I do remember a lot of weeping and laughing (mostly on my part). And the best perks of having your own wedding, aside from the cash of course, is that you get to make out in front of a lot of people. That's legit! Whether you prefer a smack or a little bit of church tongue, people won't mind, in fact people want to see a lot of kissing action. While i only remember the kisses and the crying and laughing I distinctly remember that night before my wedding, I just couldn't sleep, I was nervous. Nervous about the whole thing and basically our lives together, being just the two of us from then on. Then it suddenly hit me, all my worries disappeared and my thoughts came back to Jayson. Feels like, all the power of the universe sided on my future on the day he was born. God loves me. He gave me my rock. He let our paths crossed far too many times, then we became friends, we fell in love and got married and lived happily ever after at least twice or trice a week. Can't complain. And until now I still like him. This morning while I was still sleeping he and Yllac drove away to get my surprise. He came back, woke me up and brought tears to my eyes. That's why i like him. That's why i love LOVE him. 


  1. Happy Anniversary sa inyo Ms. Denise! God Bless!

  2. Congratulations! Wishing you all the love in the world. Cheers!


  3. Beautiful pictures that captured a very special day! I especially liked the one with you crying. Simply heartwarming. Happy Anniversary to you and Jayson!

  4. Beautiful pictures that captured a very special day! I especially liked the one with you crying. Simply heartwarming. Happy Anniversary to you and Jayson!

  5. Happy anniversary, Den! I loved that photo of your husband with the butterfly. Butterflies daw are good luck. :)

  6. Happy anniversary Den & Jason. May you fall in love with each other over and over again.

  7. How wonderful! This made me grin from ear to ear, I'm so glad for your happiness. :)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.