April 16, 2012

So Long Koffy

so long Koffy

We're heartbroken.
With you gone, our family isn't the same.
Our home seem so huge without you.
Woke up this morning, No tail shaking, no tongue wagging, no butt smelling.
Just silence.

We miss you Koffy. We love you forever.

Goodbye for now. See you on the other side.


  1. my God goosebumps,ang sad... we will miss koffy tooo... will always believe that all dogs go to heaven, condolence ate denise!!!

  2. i'm so sorry to hear about Koffy, Denise...he will be missed.

  3. na-goosebumps din ako. so sad talaga.

    we will definitely miss him.

    condolence po.

  4. I will miss koffy as well.. I'm so sad to hear about it.. I hope he is happy in doggie heaven :)

  5. oh no, so sorry to hear about it Ms. Denise.
    We all will miss him,=(
    my condolences...
    Koffy---i'm sure God is giving you plenty of treats right now.

  6. im very sorry to hear about Koffy... hugs to you Ms. Denise...

  7. omg. so sorry to hear this. my heart skipped when i read the post.

    **virtual hug**

  8. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss.

  9. my condolences ate Den, we mill surely miss Koffy :(

  10. This post just really saddened me :( I know Koffy's in a better place now though, so when the time comes, I'm sure you really will see him on the other side.

    Losing a member of the family, even if it's a pet, is just really tough to deal with :( I wish you and your family all the best, Denise! *hug!*

  11. condolence denise..this is such a heartbreaking and very sad news..:( ***hug***

  12. my heart goes out to you and your family. condolence

  13. How are you Den (and Jason)? I got heartbroken seeing your Instagram post...

    We will miss koffy...

  14. 2 years since my 2 dogs died.
    i still haven't let go of the sad feelings.
    no dogs for me until now.

    not anymore maybe.
    pain stays.

    condolence Ms D.


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