May 9, 2012

Last Sunday, At The Beach

Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
last sunday at the beach
last sunday at the beach
last sunday at the beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach
Last Sunday, At The Beach

All photos, except photos 1,2,3, belongs to Sofie Morabe why can't everyday life be like a beach day? You pack a lunch, or in this case you let one friend bring food for everyone. Thank you Abhie! All you have to do is show up with your baby in a swim suit, a camera, stories to share and never ever forget to bring your biggest chunk of  laughter with you. 
Someday, I want all my friends to live near the beach. Okay, I don't like the beach, but since everybody seem so cool for the beach, then to the beach ill go.

Speaking of beach, how about Travis' hair for one awesome beach hair? That baby has got the thickest hair for someone less than two years old. And he's so sweet. He's just a tiny bit obsessed with Yllac; holding hands and calling his name every minute. We love how he calls Yllac (eel-yuck) I-yak, which basically means "cry". Oh! and that baby voice. I've never heard anything sweeter in this world than the sound of a baby's voice. Those mumbled words means a lot, most especially to the mom and dad.


  1. i love the first and the last photos... hehehe cuteness overload! :-)

    and i love the dress too!!! :-)

  2. Because Travis loves Yllac ;) Heehee!

  3. Denise!!! Been meaning to post comment when you published this post! ;( pero nageerror at that time ;( :)

    Anyway, thanks, Denise!!!!! <3 Glad that you love the loafers!!

    -Nina of =)


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.