May 9, 2012

This Dress And This Cardigan And This Loafers To The Beach

This Dress And This Cardigan And This Loafers To The Beach


Just came from the beach last weekend and we had a blast. It was amazing to see my friends - my first set of internet friends turned real-life-friends i met through Multiply four years ago. Yep! Back then multiply was a hip place to meet people. Anyhow, my time is short right now, so Ill just leave you with this photo. Still I think it was a beach appropriate outfit except the loafers but i don't mind at all. I love this loafers. I think it matches just any kind of outfit. 

I'd really love to share more photos of our afternoon with my friends at the beach hoping tomorrow allows me an hour to sort through all the photos I stole from my friends (i hope they don't sue me). And if you have time and only if you want, (no force here) please come visit me again tomorrow night.

Goodnight for now.

cardigan: thrift
dress: tomato, Thank you Aisa!
loafers: Schmug


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.