May 5, 2012

Yllac Said, "TSK"

Untitled"relax Dad, i got this"

photos taken via instagram

last night as I was removing a strand of my hair off of Yllac's face, he slapped my hand and said "tsk"
what is that even mean?
So i did it again, i touched his nose this time, he pushed away my hand and said "tsk"
so tell me, is that a new code for NO?

Today we went grocery shopping. 
I hope he bought everything on the list. Especially his diaper and milk.

He's all grown up..... if you know what i mean. And I think he is just the cutest little grocery shopper in the history of ever.

Have an amazing weekend everyone!


  1. he is so cute, Denise! im secretly hoping that mine's a boy this time! :D

  2. cute! :-) i love the photos, makes me laugh hehehe and excited for paolo to be that big na din... although he's growing up waay too fast... waaahhh gusto and ayoko at the same time hehehe...what's with babies these days noh? ambilis! nababasa ko rin posts mo about that before....

    tsk tsk tsk is my paolo's way of calling his bottles... crazy. :-)

  3. yllac is growing up so fast...he manage ur life now :) 1st do the grocery by himself =>


You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.