March 31, 2013

This Holy Week...

This week I started a little project, where i tried my best to snap at least one photo a day to document our life here around our home. No reason....It's just that everything seems happening at a speedy phase and I'm afraid I'm gonna forget. So this week we kept our camera out of its dry box and put it in a place where we can easily grab it, and  I cannot believe how much memories we've captured in a single day. So I am thanking you in advance for letting me share a little of our family moments with you... here they are.

Warning: I know, I said one photo a day....i lied!

This Holy Week
This Holy Week
This Holy Week

Yllac officiated a wedding between two dogs. The ceremony took about less than 3 minutes. There was a lot of babbling - must be dog language I don't understand and then Yllac said (in dog lingo too), "you may now kiss the dogs". And Yllac kissed the dogs. Seriously my heart was melting the whole time I was watching him. Ah, the perks of a mama...

March 29, 2013

The Best Cheap Iced Coffee You'll Ever Have...

Iced Coffee Using NEscafe 3 in 1 instant coffee mix
Iced Coffee Using NEscafe 3 in 1 instant coffee mix

Since my pregnancy I hardly ever drink coffee anymore. I am talking about the hot coffee here. Pregnancy altered my whole life and my taste buds. I know! It sucks! But at least I can still enjoy an occasional treat of iced latte once a  week. Oh, I'm sorry, but that was before summer. Since it is summer NOW (you know the heat makes you sleepy too right?) I treat myself to it once a day. But we can't always go out to get my fix. Two days ago I was getting antsy like a toddler with a poop on her diaper, so my dear-darling-brilliant-husband Jayson gave me a tall tumbler of iced coffee that he made from scratch. NOPE. Not really. But here's what he did. Of course we kind of reenact the whole thing so I can share it with you...

March 27, 2013

It's Time For Dots...

thrift two toned polka dot summer dress

Found this XXXL polka dot dress on one of my thrifting adventure last year. I kept this dress and waited for summer because I know it's gonna be handy. And I was right, I wore it two days ago on our errands-slash-grocery-shopping-family-date and I am comfy. If you saw me that day and asked how am I doing, Ill simple say - i am breeeeeezy, and you? 

March 26, 2013

Montemar Beach Club In Bataan

 Montemar Beach Club In Bataan
Montemar Beach Club In Bataan

These photos were taken two months ago, on a perfect cool weather of January. While today we are trying to survive this summer heat via inflatable pool under the protective shade of our garage, because I am a wuss who won't be able to take the heat of the sun and sand. I cocoon in summer and I am lame.c",)

March 23, 2013

Lunch + Happy Weekend + Popeye...


We had a bowl of left over rice yesterday and you know by now that we are the meanest of rice people. Nothing goes to waste, everything must be eaten (my father used to farm).
So this is our lunch.  It's very easy. Just a teaspoon of olive oil + sausage + onion + lotsa lotsa garlic + red bell pepper + celery + lotsa lotsa diced tomatoes + spinach + about two cups of rice = lunch. 
-the end!
Tell me, what did you have for lunch? Happy weekend guys. 


I love spinach and whenever I am having spinach I can't help but think of Popeye. My mom used to use Popeye on me as a good example to eat my vegetables. Know what? he is a vegetarian who uses his pipe to dope spinach and has a girlfriend with eating disorder. I don't care. I love Popeye.
Popeye you're my hero!

March 21, 2013


There are days I find questioning myself...- am i a good mother? Sometimes I've been unsure. Other times I've been sure that I failed. But where do I go for answer? Whom do I ask? Honestly, most of the time, i always based my answer to the mood of this child. And based on these photos, YES, I am a good mother. But this morning, I was not. It's crazy what I've learned over the past three years, all the things I found out about myself, all of the contradictions and truths and certainty as a wife, a mother and as an individual. It's overwhelming knowing how much I don't know about life. But maybe that is good, I am okay with not knowing what's gonna happen next. I'll just have to enjoying the right now.  Because sometimes, I remind myself, you don’t have to have all the answers.

Talking Sweater

talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater

First, say hello to my bubble head sweater. Have you ever seen a sweater and a reading material in one? This shirt is one big talker huh...

talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater
talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater
talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater
talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater
talking shirt, graphic sweater, thrift sweater

I am a bit obsessed with sweaters these days. And of all days, I mean this summer-days. Which is major crazy considering our climate. But I don't care. I really don't. I have a feeling that you don't too. Because if we care, then none of us (Filipinos here in the Philippines)  would dare wear pants, boots, or layers, or blazer, or leather jacket or maybe just wear ..... clothes. It's as if living in the Philippines strips you from enjoying wearing anything other than your underwear. Know what? I am wearing a LOT of clothes because I don't care. Maybe that's enough "statement" - I am wearing a sweater and a black maxi skirt because, NO, I don't care. It's hot. And I don't care.

I am very sorry if I sounded too strong. It's the heat. It really is the heat. But hey, I love this sweater. Insert smiley face - c",)

bubble head sweater and maxi skirt: thrift
sling back heels: zara
studded bag: CMG (old)

March 19, 2013

Shop Update: Prints


It's all about prints and more colors on my SHOP today.

thank you ladies....

March 18, 2013

Summer Uniform + Thank You...

summer uniform

Summer isn't my friend. If it's a person, it is cruel, hot tempered and let's just say, someone who brings out the ugliest in me. But summer is a complete innocent thing. It is the Earth's way of venting out. I am sure summer didn't mean to fry and frizz the beejesus out of my hair, or squeeze out a lifetime of  sweat from me in just a matter of hours. (don't make me even tell you the whole process of cooking in front of a hot stove and manage to stay alive in this heat) I know! Every summer I am becoming this whiny ungrateful person. But this year I am working on it. I cannot promise that I will eventually fall in love with it. But I will try my best to see the good side of it. 

summer uniform
summer uniform
summer uniform
summer uniform

With this outfit, I give you my summer uniform for this year - over-sized top and shorts. I guess, one of the good thing about summer is to not think about the perfect fit of clothes for once. Right now, I am only wearing clothes that are two to three or even four sizes bigger than my regular size. I am going for that XXXXXXXL vibe. The bigger the clothes are the better chance of fresh air to circulate around my body. Makes sense right?

Summer, I guess, you aren't that bad.  I want you to know, I am ready for you. 

How about you? How are you enjoying this year's summer? 

top and shorts: thrift
boots: GoJane
target bag and necklace: Thanks Mom


thank YOU so much for the happy-33rd-bday-denise!!!!-greetings since Friday. It feels nice to be 33. It feels so grown up. Thank you so much for being a friend to me. I have been blogging for such a long time.... and YOU know every story, every happy moments, celebrations and even the heartaches. I want you to know that YOU are beautiful, YOU are generous. I don't know how to thank you enough.... i hope to be able to repay your kindness someday. Ladies, thank YOU for growing old with me. Friends forever, til we're all 90, toothless and wheelchair-rider, woohoo!

March 15, 2013

33 Thoughts Today On My 33rd Birthday...

  1. i don't know what a netflix is.
  2. i am a recovering coke-aholic for almost 10 days now.
  3. i wanna take back all those times I didn't nap when i was a kid. 
  4. i hate arguing especially when I know I am wrong. But I argue anyway.
  5. i just saw someone on "people you may know" on facebook and realized i used to be friends with them, so it seems they have secretly defriended me at some point in time? and i am like, why god why? 
  6. I can't tell the difference between boredom and hunger.
  7. when i was in high school i was pretty sure id be a millionaire on my mid 30s. 
  8. those perfume sheets in magazine?- they all smell the same to me. But i know that POISON smells BAD.
  9. women love to have their opinions solicited. Makes them feel like what they have got to say actually matters. doesn't matter if you take their advice. Just listen and nod from time to time.
  10. the first thing I do when i receive a new starbucks mug - practice-sip. Always. Yum. The air i sip is hot and creamy. Not too sweet. Just perfect.
  11. motherhood to me, is like Dickens once said...  "It was the Best of times, it was the worst of times". ; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way." - And I mean that literally. 
  12. right now, I am reading Gone Girl. I am on the chapter when the girl just disappeared. 
  13. the only way you are going to keep sharp is to read and write every day.
  14. yesterday, while Yllac was taking a public shower on our lawn he slipped and fell on his bum. He cried so I picked him up. But it was too late because he was already directing his anger at me. Know what? The day your child says he hates you (and i know every child will go through the phase. I did!) it kicks like a foot in your stomach. With thick boots on. Mom, Dad, sorry for kicking in your stomachs.
  15. it is always nice to have someone to keep secrets with. It is always so ever delicious.
  16. Jayson never once questioned the clothes I wore or my waistline or my hair. He is someone whose eyes simply said, without words, You are fine with me.  
  17. i spent most of my time right now trying not to sweat so much. 
  18. my motto on housekeeping - when in doubt, wash it.
  19. my Mom once said to me, women shouldn't marry before 28. She married my Dad at 20. I agree with her. I did get married at 28 year, 1 month and 10 days old. 
  20. fact. Grown women don't want men with little boy names. 
  21. i feel weird talking on the phone with someone beside me. I always walk away somewhere where I can be alone. Imagine a urinal. You're trying to take a pee and some dude comes in  and starts using the urinal right next to you. Not that I tried one....but i am sure it feels like that.
  22. i haven't been to any Opera. Okay, to some maybe. I know that people sing really really loud in Latin, and in the end, someone always dies. 
  23. conjoined pimples are the worst.
  24. i am 100% responsible for my own happiness. It is a state of mind, cultivated by my choices and habits, not by things. It's like living inside a happy bubble. You looked crazy, but at least you are happy.
  25. my relationship with Jayson is one of the most important elements of my happiness. It establishes the atmosphere in our home. So a kiss in the morning and kiss at night, no matter how harassed our morning or how weary the evening, every morning and every night, we kiss. He is my husband after all, not my room mate. It's just impossible to get mad at each other when you just kissed.
  26. i will color my hair black next week.
  27. i paint my own nails. Just cut, trim and paint. My fingers are burgundy. My toes are half black and half natural color of nails. I have a one month old pedicure.
  28. i will list more items on my shop on the next following days. In a perfect world, my internet is not stupid and my computer is smart.
  29. this post is becoming too difficult. I don't have as many thoughts as i thought.    
  30. I became a mom when I was 30. Best year of my life.
  31. I don't know anyone named Max. Just dogs. But I know a boxer dog named Denise.
  32. This blog is called Denise Katipunera. My name is Denise Lozada. I met a few people thinking my last name is Katipunera. They think I have the coolest surname and I don't correct them. I hate correcting people. 
  33. This morning Jayson and I were talking over breakfast. It was a pretty serious talk over a very serious subject. aka our life. c",) Can't tell you what it is about but I can tell you that this husband of mine fixes my coffee every morning. Restores my computer and cellphone every time i break them. Every marriage is a work in progress, and we've had unavoidable bumps, like everyone else. But there is no question that my life is fuller, happier, funnier and filled with generosity and love simply because I am married to him. I am thankful for him on a daily basis. I am glad today I get to be alive and turn faaaaa-reaking 33 with him and Yllac. 
Yay! I am 33 today. 

So I was thinking, this is a cool birthday tradition i will continue to do till I am a hundred. c",) I hope you're up for that every year. 

I wish you a great great great day and thank you for being here with me today.

March 13, 2013

Mr. Penguin + This Oxblood Boots

My Penguin Shirt   Oxblood Boots
My Penguin Shirt   Oxblood Boots
My Penguin Shirt   Oxblood Boots
My Penguin Shirt + Oxblood Boots
My Penguin Shirt   Oxblood Boots

...finding this penguin shirt on one of my thrift shopping "expedition" will be, hands-down, one of the best OMG! OMG! OMG!-moments of my life as a thrift-er. I have never seen anything quite as cute and as unique like this.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

top and pants: thrift
Guess bag: thank you Mom
Rubi oxblood boots: a special order from Gizelle

March 11, 2013

Yllac + Mongo Seed + That Face

mongo seed + yogurt
mongo seed + yogurt
mongo seed + yogurt
mongo seed + yogurt
mongo seed + yogurt
mongo seed + yogurt

Yllac always takes my breath away. The last time he did that was yesterday, when he spilled the mongo seeds all over our tiny kitchen. Clearly, it was my fault. (how many times do I have to remind myself not to leave a toddler alone even for a quick pee break, so from now on, no more peeing for me) But Yllac was quick to pick each tiny little mongo bean back to its container. He is my good boy! Even counting while he drop each one. dah!, ooh!, deeh!, noh!, ay!. - that's one , two, three, four, five by the way. So cute. I could watch him pick and count each tiny seed all day. But this mongo picking is taking forever so i gave him the broom. Jayson and I just watched him go back and forth as he swing his arms with a broom taller than him. Then all of a sudden he stopped swiping, climbed the table and finished his yogurt. 

-the end.

Happy Monday!

March 10, 2013

Floral + Pinstripe Pants

Floral   Vertically Pinstripe pants

i dare you to stare at my pants for a minute. Don't blink. .... 
Did you get all dizzy? Yeah, me too.
Floral + Vertically Pinstripe pants
Floral   Vertically Pinstripe pants

March 7, 2013

Now Up For Grabs...


shop them HERE.

Have a fun Thursday ladies.