June 25, 2013

Mirror Image...

mirror image
mirror image
mirror image
mirror image
mirror image

Okay, I can explain.

More than a month ago I set up my tripod outside our home hoping to shoot myself. c",) This is all I can say, It was faaaaareaking hard and difficult to shoot yourself. The timer, the running, the holding-your-breath after you've run to pose and then your timer sets off just in time for your half wink. I mean I can't do that. After all that, I gave up. I felt like a clown. I felt ridiculous. It was ridiculous.

so, this was me yesterday. After Yllac fell asleep, like a speeding cray cray bullet I picked up these two amazing thrift-find piece that I've been dying to try on since the day I got them. In my mind they would look great together. Even though they have opposing prints, but since the colors don't compete and stay in the same color pattern, they looked alright. 

Oh well, I really miss dressing up, for realzzz. But for the meantime, this is fun. This imaginary outfit... as if Im going somewhere. This should be fun right? Dressing up for no reason at all. I mean, i gotta do, what I gotta do.. yah know what I mean?

top and skirt: thrift
heels: Zara

1 comment:

You're AWESOME! You know that? You really are.