January 12, 2009

Brief encounter. Koffy baby you are so funny!

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I have a splitting headache from the time i woke up. Over sleeping is bad! hihi. So this is just a quick post. Am thinking of delaying this until tomorrow but i can't wait because every time i tried to close my eyes these pictures are haunting me.

Koffy, is developing sexually, i think. But still he's a good boy and very well behaved, though we can't seem to put a solution to his discharge, yup, coming from his...ummm, you know where. So he is dripping all over the house and wiping after it is no easy task. We can't think of a better remedy than this.

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The moment he put on his very first briefs, i went to tears, i can't breathe, laughing and crying at the same time almost got us killed.

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The problem is, the brief that his dad passed on him doesn't give him enough support. But he's cute right?

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He likes it so much! Red is his favorite color. Definitely. He sleeps on it and surprisingly he wears it till now. Hahaha. My dog walking around on his briefs. Imagine that. Oh this is just a temporary thing, we'll buy him a diaper or a 3 for 100 brief on bargains soon.

Have a great laugh everyone!

January 10, 2009

Deja vu

Is there something wrong with my memory that i keep forgetting what i did yesterday, so i ended up doing those same old things over and over again? The funny part is, i like it. The excitement never fades. It's like waking up in the morning and thinking, "oh God can i just copy paste everything from yesterday to today?" hihi. Yesterday was so fun i don't want change.

I have a system that works for me, and to some it may appear eerie and boring and dull. But it's me! I love simple stuff. My simple stuff. Dressing up. Coffee. Home. Koffy. Kai. Books. The Office. People like you. Dreams. Tomorrow we'll see. Am not asking for an out of body experience because i love the nourishing old smell of familiarity my life seem to retain. Contentment is where my heart is.

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Have a great weekend everyone!


Question?: What does Koffy and Hitler have in common?
Answer: They're both UNI ball. hihi.

Yesterday we took Koffy to his vet for a castration. Yes, Ouch! But Koffy is one special dog. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which either one or both testes (testicles) fails to descend fully into the scrotum. In young puppies (under 6 months) the testicles can occasionally retract back into the groin, particularly if the pup is cold or excited. All along i thought Koffy's ball is just normal. We didn't suspect anything. Though his thing is a bit small and cute. hihi. Cos some are just grossss. So, we didn't go through with the operation because it will be just pointless and cruel for him cos one of his thingy is still hiding inside him somewhere in his stomach. Am not sure where. Gosh, my poor Koffy. The Doctor said it's hereditary. Hmmm i wonder where he got that? Wanna see? click here.

medical credit :Cryptorchidism from men's health

January 7, 2009

I'm tougher than you think





I remember the boy, but i don't remember the feeling anymore. Sounds familiar ei? I used to sing that song a lot when i was twelve. Yeah twelve. Trying my best to belt it while i was alone in the house, usually after a Mills and Boon pocket book, of course that was without the knowledge of my parents. You know, Janet Daily and is so hardcore for a twelve like me back then. I do understand the message of the song (and the content of the book) and wishing someday i might really sing it for some ill faith / tragic love affair i will have when i grow up. That is the plan! And to have the full grasp of being the jilted one. But sad to say i didn't have one.

Just a couple of days ago i remember this boy from a long long long time ago. First guy i think i ever liked. It wasn't a crazy like, nothing serious but a cute teenage thing, greater than crush but nothing like love because i know deeply that we're not gonna be together in the future, nor we have that many things in common. So i knew then, he's just a passing person in my life. We're okay i think.

Now, i just remember him as this boy, believe it or not I can't recall anymore "the feeling" actually. There is no particular emotion that was revived nor any feelings from the past that stirred my thoughts back to him. I do remember a face and a name from a fuzzy time but beyond that is a bad case of amnesia on my part. Anyway am not a believer of falling in love with the same person the second time around. It works for other people, and i love stories like that, but sadly for me it's not applicable.

Wow am tough. It just didn't occur to me that it's possible to forget all those feelings you once valued so dearly until recently.

And now for my own guilty pleasure (please) sing with me. hihi. While in doing so, let's all remember those boys and ...girls from a long time ago.....or not so, lets raise our bottle of beer or coke zero if you're on a diet, may they all remember us and may they not forget our faces till the day they die. May they scream our name from pain of not having us in their lives and long regret the day they've met us. hmmmmmmm what else? toast everyone. Am sorry, i kid, i kid, silly of me. Let's just sing the song shall we?

I Remember The Boy - Joey Albert

January 4, 2009

Roommates. Three's company

room mates

room mates

room mates

Kai and Koffy snoozing together yesterday morning.
Koffy has his own bed, but surely after his jogging, mostly accompanied by Kai, and soon after he's taken his bath he would come back to bed, our bed, steal my space and doze off just to wake up in time for breakfast.
I love these two.

So, what's your morning like?

January 2, 2009

Gold and Green for 2009

gold and green

gold and green

gold and green

First outfit for 2009. As promised (every year actually) to dress more to impress, solely for myself and Kai. But since I am doing this blog, dressing has become a passion i wanna share with all of the girls who's very much into this modern day art. I am not an artist, but whatever is good and pleasing to the eye is an art for me. Anybody, anything, moving or still, breathing or dead, short or tall, whatever shape or form you may be, looking and feeling put together, consciously or not, for me you are beautiful enough and that i appreciate.

gold and green

gold and green

gold and green

For a doable resolution this year, i SWEAR in Koffy's name that ill make more money, although i don't have any idea how!!!!And secondly ill eat healthier. Don't we all? haha. Just two. Ill mess my life if i make it three.

gold and green

gold and green

I don't know the deal with this dog. He would look at the camera whenever we wanna take his picture but the moment before the camera flashes he'll walk and look away someplace suddenly. Being Koffy this afternoon, he chose to stare at the wall this time.

gold and green

Wishing everybody a prosperous 2009! I don't know what else to wish for you guys, cos i don't want to say those "may love and peace.....blah blah", i just want you all to be rich and happy. That's all.

Have a great weekend!

i am wearing the gold cuffs and ring mom gave me on my wedding day. Isn't it bananas? I forgot about it for a while, for a really loooong while. So shiny it hurts my eye.Thanks Mom.

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January 1, 2009

Hello Oh Nine

oh 9

Happy new year everyone!

oh 9

Channeling Marry Poppins.
Can you think of a better way to welcome OH NINE than this high jump?
Me and Et with our umbrellas for a simple reason that it's drizzling in Cainta from morning of 31 till midnight. But nothing can stop us of course, even for this kind of photo op we're all game.

oh 9

oh 9

oh 9

oh 9

For 2009 i won't promise anything though. But some things i can assure you.
For the next 365 days ill give you more beautiful jump shots.
And better blog.
better pictures
more stories to tell
lovely fab outfits
I promise to wear make up
i'll take you all with us on our travels.
and last but not the least..
.... a baby.

oh 9

Isn't he the cutest? My godson Clarence.

oh 9

oh 9

Occasional drunks.

I just want to thank everyone who's been supporting this blog, all your comments never fails to make me smile, making this heart o'mine beats triple fast for the love of writing. Just the more reason to make this blog a better one.

Nail update:

oh 9