March 17, 2011

I Love Shoes. I Really Do.

shoe print blazer
shoe print blazer
shoe print blazer
shoe print blazer

I love shoes. We all love shoes. Can you imagine my silent shriek when i found this blazer?

And thank you for all the birthday messages. Every year I am looking forward to my birthday, proudly share my number so i can extort people gifts and compliments. c",) And it feels nice when people greet me and wish me good things. When it comes to age, the higher number you get the better because that's an obvious sign that God's blessing is apparent in your life. He is letting us live more. I now know the meaning of a birthday - It is when you get braver and boldly do all the things you secretly wanna do. Shouldn't be phenomenal, just things important to you. As for this year, I want to take pleasure in seeing Yllac sit on his own, take his first bite, see him grow a tooth, take him somewhere new, finally meet my parents and plan for his first birthday. Maybe buy a family van, buy more shoes, thrift more, buy more plates and colorful mugs. Maybe write again, using a pen and paper this time. Read more, meet more friends, go back to the gym and eat less meat.

Oh and I wanna smile more and be more happy and not think about what other people think of me.

Thank you! Okaybuhbyethatsall. 

blazer: thrift
tiered jumsuit: Genevieve Gozum
shoes: Urban Original


iamjillyace said...

that blazer is so cute! very unique and the good thing is, shoes are printed on it! nice, you're lucky to find it :)

KD said...

I seriously miss thrifting back at home :( ang chachaka ng mga items dito :(

Mary Ann said...

At the top of the page, I was telling myself, if Ukay to'ng blazer n to, inggit galore ako hehe...

Oh vey! Points on your thrifting skills Ms. Denise! ^^

Michelle said...

I looove your blazer! And I like how you view birthdays. Most people are really sad because they're growing older. :) (Suz) said...

in love with your blazer too!

fashioneggpplant said...

me too! that's perfect!!! :)

fabienne said...

Belated happy birthday Denise girl. ka-birthday mo si papi ko. Best people born on the same day. ;)

Hugs from Iloilo!


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