March 30, 2011

Trends are Fleeting, But Stripe is Suuuper Eternal. Totally!

thrifted Stripe Dress
thrifted Stripe Dress
thrifted Stripe Dress
thrifted Stripe Dress

I love stripes, I really really really do. I think, stripes is the safest and classiest print anybody (even the jailbirds) can pull off. It doesn't discriminate, isn't shape conscious most especially the thin stripes. And I love that i've found this one from thrifting. 

Anyway stripe isn't just a bunch of lines. If we dig deeper, er google more, stripe has a crazy history that involves some Monks, the Pope, prostitutes, hoodlums, zebra and the American flag. If this becomes a movie I will definitely watch it. If you wanna know more just read it here and here.

Now I wonder, is there a hidden story behind polka dots and micro shorts? I wanna know.

And that tells us that fashion isn't shallow.Totally!

dress: thrift
shoes: The Ramp (worn here, here, and here
belt: gift from my friend Jade
ring: from Hong Kong


  1. loooooooooove!!!!!!!!!! looking great denise!

  2. I agree!stripe is eternal. You really can't go wrong with stripes.I love this dress on you Ms,D.looking fab!;)

  3. Benta! Love all the history! :D Hehe! And cute cute outfit denise! :)))

  4. Your shoes are fantastic, and I love the row of colorful stars hanging behind you.

  5. agreed! stripes are indeed timeless. interesting history on the stripes, too!

    love the pop of yellow. :)

    boat ride through the sky

  6. LOOOVE!

    It's so nice!! I love the shoes!!

  7. by far this is the most elegant looking jail uniform ive seen! hehhehe ;)

  8. i love stripes too!!! but i'm picking about the kind of stripes... b/c sometimes they make me look bigger than i really am. haha! the yellow shoes compliment the stripes nicely too :)


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