August 31, 2012

Drop Waist Dress

drop waist dress
drop waist dress
drop waist dress
nude boots

I love drop waist dresses. It sorts of giving me the illusion of a wider hips. Because mine is of a boy. And they say that childbirth might give you more but that myth flunked on me. It gave me more alright. More on my face, tummy, arms and thighs, even on my fingers but my hips fought real hard. So yeah, i love this dress.

dress and bag: thrift
boots: Gojane
scarf: old, from Hong Kong

August 29, 2012

August 28, 2012


at play
at play
at play
at play
at play

...I kind of grew up. A little. Not in height but in my mind I did. That less is more, and finally realized there's a lot of stuff i need to give up. My closet is such an abyss. I love my stuff but not being able to wear them for a long period of time is such a waste. And to my bible, that is a mortal sin. crazy windy and yes I can say that it's cold too in our part of the world and that I am cocooning. We're staying home most these days and i am full of inspiration all of a sudden. Long lists of silly plans. Finished reading a lot of books too. Kindle and the real kind where you flip a page. This is what happens to me when temperatures change. I become a half new person. My taste is changing and find myself obsessing  about new projects and ideas. You too right? 

....we went to palengke to buy dilis and coconut milk for our laing. I packed half of it for Jayson because it's that time of the week we won't get to see each other for the next two days. I sent him a couple of his favorite food too, a peanut butter sandwich, pancakes and puto and two apples. 

.... Yllac and Jayson napped together and Yllac being almost-a-two-year-old know how to make goodbye really really dramatic. He was holding on to his Daddy's legs from the time they both woke up until i took him from his Dad with both of his arms and legs holding on tight around Jayson's neck and waist. He cried real tears and loud for a couple of minutes and faked cry for almost another minute until he saw his toys and forgot all about his Daddy. Am a tell you baby dramz are the cutest and real heartbreaking too i watched this boy play, I can't help but see how much he has grown. He's almost two soon. Like December soon. And he's not a little baby anymore. And sad, I can't stop it. So i am doing my very best to enjoy this stage where he's still little. And while he still have those chubby cheeks but kept worrying those will be the next to go. And oh it hurts just thinking about it. So every time he wants me to carry him all around the house or while he sleep, I guess it's okay. It's the only time i still have my little baby in my arms. Because the minute he wakes up I am pretty sure he's grown again. I loved every part and inch of his babyhood, I just can't stand the growing part.

August 27, 2012

I Like Weekends

glass writing
half eaten
mango caramel crepe

Every weekend for me is sort of a compilation of what we'd do for the rest of our lives if we'd won the lottery and Jayson quit his job and we'll just be a family every single day. I love weekends. I wish everyday is a weekend. I wish everyday Jayson is home. No one has to leave for work. So we can sleep anytime we want for how long we want. And travel. Or just drive anywhere. See our friends. And eat or just do nothing. I don't know, I am dreaming out loud again. 

How was your weekend? Hope it's a good one.

August 26, 2012

Something From Yllac

WorkaholicBaby blogger. Noooooooo!



YNB  Nxzszxz


- my baby can write. He's so smart!

August 23, 2012

These Are The Few Of My Favorite Thrifts

Blue Red Green and Taupe, denise katipunera, Pinay fashion blogger, mommy fashion, fashion on a budget

this vintage dress. I love how we fit for each other.
Denise Katipunera, Style Blog, Diagonal Stripe Dress, Rainy Day Dressing 

I distinctly remember hugging this dress when i saw it. Still with a price tag of 89.9$. 

denise katipunera, mommy style, thrift style, thrift floral dress, color block boots

come on girl, do i have to explain???

Gramma Dress

another vintage dress I picked up from the floor dropped by some noisy teenager. So i asked her if she's getting the dress and she looked at me like, "you go get em gramma". So binili ito ng lola mo.

star print dress, denise katipunera, pinay fashion blogger, fashion on a budget, mommy style, thrift finds, ukay ukay dress,

 It's a black dress with thousands of silver stars. A perfect funeral dress.

Thrifted Short Sleeve Coat, denise katipunera, pinay filipina fashion blogger, mommy style, style on a budget, colorful bold knit stripe, nude booties

oversize? check! stripes? check! knit? check!

Knit Dress

i was almost 7 months pregnant and this knit dress help me through a lot. Also, the last day I was bloat free.


I call this one my slouchy dress. Which pretty much sums me up. 

fave shoe

RIP boots. You will always be in my heart. 


everybody needs a bag with a face. And mine is sporting a nice rich tan. 


this is heavy. Pre Yllac, this bag and me were once bffs. We're rekindling our friendship now.

I am downsizing my closet, or at least I've been trying for months now. As I was trimming down everything I can't help but notice that most of the "survivors" were sourced from my thrifting. And here are some of them. I got them all very cheap and most still with a price tag on. Kachiiing! I usually got them for less than 200 pesos except for the bags which I purchased for 250-300php. And these bags are genuine leather. And oh, that boots. It breaks my heart knowing how irreplaceable that one is. Everybody needs a comfy and good, in my case - a good stylish cowboy studded boots. But she passed a couple of months ago. Bum! And she's never coming back. But she's one hall of famer.

How about you? What are your favorite thrifts?

August 21, 2012

Sup Problem?

orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?
orange you glad poncho?

The problem with me is that i love colors. No matter what mood, what era, whatever trend there is, I love my colors. 

...but the problem is, i tried to deny it.

The problem with me is that i want to be that girl that wears black and nude and still look chic and happy.

...but the problem is, I don't look happy in black and nude.

The problem with me is that I wanna be both.
...but I can't be both.

The problem with me is that, i tried to be the nude-black wearing lady and bought a lot of clothes in muted tones. 
...but the problem is, i hated it the minute i got home.

The problem with me is that i am getting old.
...but my fashion choices are still not getting any older nor wiser. 

But i have no problem with this poncho i got from thrifting 4 months ago. 
....i have no problem liking it till the day am all wrinkly, toothless and a hundred, probably rocking it in my rocking chair with a cuppa joe in between my shaking veiny hands.

Yup! I can definitely see myself growing old with this one.

poncho: thrift
dress: Tomato
boots: Gojane

August 18, 2012

Last Night...

at night

my mad photographing skills getting madder

blue green

found this perfect wall that matches my very old blue Memo dress

scary car

wowsa! That's one scary car. Running all by itself.


low jump champion - Yllac Lorenzo Lozada!

dakasi bubble milk tea

if you know happen to know us, you'll know how much we like our extra pearls.

hair inspector

"daddy, time for a haircut"

we pray

intense prayer before dinner led by Yllac. That's word, we pray!


that's Zoolander pout I see


"oh mommy, you are funny" (counting one to five is funny i guess)

counting fingers

counting fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5......



we're a happy bunch here. Yllac learned to count his fingers one to five. Just five for now. Still, that's math right? wooohoo!

How about you? How was your last night? Hope it's a good one.